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'Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider' #1 is an exciting start

Comic Books

‘Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider’ #1 is an exciting start

Spider-Gwen is trying to make the 616 universe her new home, but she can’t wear her suit or fight crime!

Spider-Gwen is moving to the 616 universe thanks in part to the TVA, but staying incognito when you were born to be a hero is a tough gig. Stephanie Phillips takes over the new series with artist Federica Mancin in what could be described as a fun superhero story with a dark mystery worth exploring.

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #1 opens with Spider-Gwen opens with a reminder of Gwen Stacy’s death. The captions are a key element, so pay attention to those, or you might miss something. We soon see Gwen in a bank trying to open a bank account. Unfortunately, she has no social security number, so there’s no way of getting an account. Before she can shove off, a robbery takes place, and she kicks into gear.

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It’s not until the next scene that we learn that O.B., her TVA handler, expressly tells her not to wear the suit or bring attention to herself. This element is a mystery, as he won’t tell Spider-Gwen why she must stay incognito. Following rules isn’t her thing, and by the end of the issue, we see how she pays for being a hero.

One question I have is, will this all lead to a new costume? This issue reveals Gwen won’t be taking on a new name, but if she can’t wear her suit without some kind of danger, why not change the suit? The real answer is that there’s no way Marvel would change such an iconic design, but I did wonder why Gwen didn’t at least try it as a loop hole.

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost Spider #1

The agility is strong with this one.
Credit: Marvel

Phillips has an interesting mystery afoot here, with clues that are not super apparent. One involves a villain who pops up later and the fact that the TVA is involved. Could Spider-Gwen living in the 616 be messing up the timestream? There are more questions than answers, but the way Phillips seeds the potential for big reveals is interesting. The cliffhanger leaves something to be desired, but you’ll be invested in what may come next.

Art by Mancini with colors by Matt Milla is clean, with a cartoony vibe, high energy, and a thin line. Striking colors permeate the action scene in the bank, standing in for backgrounds here and there, and the agility of Spider-Gwen is quite good. She looks and acts the part with some slick sneakers and the now iconic suit on full display. The details in the webbing are also well done. Action, in general, is well crafted, from the layout to the framing, and there’s an excellent sequence later in the issue when Spider-Gwen must stop a truck from hitting a school bus. Over seven panels, you’ll be on the edge of your seat.

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost Spider #1 does enough to make you want more, offering a veiled mystery involving the TVA and Gwen wanting to make the 616 universe her home. The art is high energy, and the implications of Gwen’s existence are tantalizing.

'Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider' #1 is an exciting start
‘Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider’ #1 is an exciting start
Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #1
Spider-Gwen: The Ghost Spider #1 does enough to make you want more, offering a veiled mystery involving the TVA and Gwen wanting to make the 616 universe her home. The art is high energy, and the implications of Gwen's existence are tantalizing. 
Reader Rating0 Votes
The general mystery is intriguing
Art is high energy and suits an agility character like Ghost-Spider
Cliffhanger leaves something to be desired
Right now, the mystery does have more questions than answers
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