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Doctor Strange #16
Marvel Comics

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‘Doctor Strange’ #16 review

‘Doctor Strange’ #16 puts Wong front and center in a battle between two brothers.

This review contains spoilers for Doctor Strange #16!

As the summer event Blood Hunt rages on, Doctor Strange #16 revisits the fate of the Sorcerer Supreme. Unfortunately, there is not a doctor in the house. But there is a Victor. This issue focuses on something familiar yet very different: Strange, Wong, and impending doom. But what happens when the one in danger is Wong and the hunter is Victor Strange? In this issue, writer Jed MacKay and artist Pasqual Ferry deliver another eerie issue that takes more of a tragic-horror tone than the usual fantasy adventure this run has been known for. Yet, for an issue without its titular character, this issue is another captivating story.

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Doctor Strange #16

Marvel Comics

The premise of the issue is simple but still interesting. Wong is in charge of the Sanctum Sanctorum, while Victor Strange and not so mysterious force make a deal. As this unfolds, Wong is lamenting about how things have changed. The juxtaposition of this monologue with the deal with the devil Victor makes for a chilling parallel. Wong couldn’t be in more danger and, when he meets his foe, he certainly will have to make a hard decision. MacKay does a great job using this story to reflect two separate brotherly bonds Stephen shares. While contrasting the two, the story provides insight as to how blood isn’t always thicker than water, which makes for quite a heavy story in some aspects. Altogether, the issue flies by and rides off of suspense and emotions.

Doctor Strange #16

Marvel Comics

Pasqual Ferry and Heather Moore continue to stun as a duo. One of the best examples of this is how Victor is differentiated from Stephen. While they might be related, Victor looks exactly as one would expect. His hardened features and sharp reactions distinguish him from his heroic brother just enough to show he can’t be trusted. Additionally, another great page is one where Wong is talking to the body of Stephen while remaining as calm and collected as ever. While his stature is easygoing and firm, it’s beautifully contrasted by the volatility of the vampire before him. This scene is further bolstered by the neon red coloring provided by Moore to intensify the magic being used in the scene. This is another vivid issue that is beautiful from cover to cover.

Altogether, this brief tie-in event has been one reflective of the impact Stephen has had on those around him. For better or worse, he is the glue that holds his family together. And when that’s threatened, some of the best characteristics of his supporting cast are shown and prove how capable they are in their own right. Furthermore, this is another strong issue for the series.

Doctor Strange #16
‘Doctor Strange’ #16 review
Doctor Strange #16
Doctor Strange #16 is a great story that remains captivating thorugh its suspense and and beautiful art.
Reader Rating0 Votes
MacKay does a great job using Wong as the protagonist in this story
The contrasting natures of Victor Strange and Wong show how the pair couldn't be more different as brothers to Stephen
Considering this is a tie-in event, it's unsure what major ramifications this issue will have
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