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‘X-Men: From the Ashes’ #2 puts Cyclops through the horror paces

Comic Books

‘X-Men: From the Ashes’ #2 puts Cyclops through the horror paces

Cyclops fans should NOT miss ‘X-Men: From the Ashes’ #2.

The post-Krakoan Age comics are already here, with X-Men: From the Ashes #1 featuring Cyclops and Jean Grey on a gateway. The problem is that Getaway has a bad case of a horror-induced mind-controlling monster! The first chapter revealed Cyclops wasn’t quite right, and in the second issue out now, he must escape… or die!

Writer Alex Paknadel is exuding strong horror vibes with this three-part story, and it’s working. In the second issue, Jean at the bar gives Cyclops space while Cyclops is trudging up a snowy mountain with no shoes on. He can’t control himself, and he’s in big trouble.

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Smartly, Paknadel and artist Diogenes Neves show us a mind-palace sort of trick Cyclops can use to protect himself. It’s a reminder of his past with Mr. Sinister and his strong training in all things psychic powers. These scenes are powerful, with a strong horror vibe, thanks to the imagery. When you see Cyclops’ fingers bloody from trying to get out, you’ll cringe. In a good way.

The scenes with Cyclops also work well thanks to the captioning. Paknadel uses a third-person narrator to convey key details. It creates an eerie vibe that works well.

‘X-Men: From the Ashes’ #2 offers horror elements for Scott and Jean

Good thing this is in in his mind!
Credit: Marvel

Visually, this issue leans in a lot, which creates a claustrophobic element. Extreme close-ups add an interesting element. Creative transitions between panels add interesting effects you can’t get from a conventional comic. There’s also a solid stretched panel showing Cyclops’ optic blast that utilizes the format well.

As far as the main threat, we’re still quite a bit in the dark. This issue may have given us our first glimpse at the character, and Paknadel seeds the mystery well enough. As far as chapter-based Marvel Unlimited comics, there’s plenty here, although I wondered if the plot could have progressed more. This issue is more or less about Cyclops’ prison and Jean eventually realizing what is going on. But heck, these are short weekly comics, so no harm in a slower plot.

Genre bending is always exciting, especially with conventional superhero comics, so count X-Men: From the Ashes as a continued success. Paknadel and Neves are offering up a three-chapter story that pushes Cyclops as we enter a new era for the X-Men.

‘X-Men: From the Ashes’ #2 puts Cyclops through the horror paces
‘X-Men: From the Ashes’ #2 puts Cyclops through the horror paces
X-Men: From the Ashes #2
Genre bending is always exciting, especially with conventional superhero comics, so count X-Men: From the Ashes as a continued success. Paknadel and Neves are offering up a three-chapter story that pushes Cyclops as we enter a new era for the X-Men.
Reader Rating0 Votes
The scenes with Cyclops are great
A bit more hints at what the big enemy/mystery is
The plot moves ever so slightly forward

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