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Batman #38 and #39 covers reveal epic team-up with Wonder Woman

Comic Books

Batman #38 and #39 covers reveal epic team-up with Wonder Woman

Batman and Wonder Woman are teaming up this January in the upcoming “Superfriends” arc.

If you dug the synergy between Batman and Wonder Woman in the recently released Justice League film, fret not: there’s more Bruce and Diana action coming your way this January. The covers for Batman #38 and #39 reveal that the Princess of the Amazons may be visiting Gotham City:

Batman #38
Artist: Mikel Janin
Release Date: 1/3/2018

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Batman #38 and #39 covers reveal epic team-up with Wonder Woman

“SUPERFRIENDS” part three! Batman and Wonder Woman fight together in an epic battle that will define and redefine their relationship. What bonds these two pillars of the DC Universe together? What might tear them apart? Find out as Batman continues his quest for the one thing he’s never had: happiness.

Batman #39
Artist:: Joelle Jones
Release Date: 1/17/2018

Batman #38 and #39 covers reveal epic team-up with Wonder Woman

“SUPERFRIENDS” finale! Since the beginning, the friendship between Batman and Wonder Woman has stood at the heart of the DC Universe. Now that friendship is coming apart, and as it does the universe itself begins to crumble. Don’t miss the conclusion of Batman’s epic team-up with Wonder Woman!

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