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No One's Rose #3
Vault Comics

Comic Books

‘No One’s Rose’ #3 review

‘No One’s Rose’ has eerily inched close and closer to a parallel of our reality.

No One’s Rose has eerily inched close and closer to a parallel of our reality. There is a unique indictment in this issue that stands to be a lesson most real-life movements are constantly vexing themselves with. Furthermore, it’s an indelible narrative for our societal disposition.

The book always provides unique subversions within its world-building, and this issue indicates another narrative risk that Thompson and Horn have consistently proven to pay off. In earnest, this series is reminiscent of a Cirque de Soleil performance, with each act requiring a perfect execution with no real safety net. It’s a bold decision for a series with this form of conception to offer changes within something just constructed. It goes to show the care these writers have for executing, and serving, their theme rather than doling out something to please.

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This issue sows the seeds for further dissension within its unraveling world in The Green Zone. It’s a simply marvelous vivisection of the quarrels ensuing within our society. Furthermore, the plotting insists on the necessity of communication within this issue, serving as a constant need for discussion amongst ourselves. Each character diverges in their own path, but the inability to weigh in on the discourse unwinds into further complications.

No One's Rose #3

Vault Comics

The art by Alberto Alburquerque is simply engaging. There is a beautiful achievement with how he lays out the pages and instills a dynamism that can only make the reader linger at his talent being showcased. Moreso, his integration of varying Eastern aesthetics makes for some great line work that embodies and legitimizes the world-building.

Even further is the addition of Raul Angulo, whose coloring has brought upon a fervent vibrancy within the artwork. It simply astounds how this book can capture the eye. Letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou offers a great dynamic in voicing these characters through his captions.

Overall, this issue is a great progression into the plot. The next issue will definitely have more to offer the readers.

No One's Rose #3
‘No One’s Rose’ #3 review
No One's Rose #3
Overall, this issue is a great progression into the plot. The next issue will definitely have more to offer the readers.
Reader Rating0 Votes
Great plotting that is eerily relevant
Enraptured artwork
Unique coloring
Mimetic lettering
This issue is a dedicated transition, but serves to uptake the momentum created in the last two issues

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