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15 Things You Didn't Know About Bigfoot

Movie Reviews

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Bigfoot (#1 Will Blow Your Mind!)

Not clickbait.

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Bigfoot (#1 Will Blow Your Mind!) is a mockumentary that sounds like it is going to be about the iconic cryptid. While Bigfoot is an integral part, it is more of a commentary on clickbait media. Brian (Brian Emond) is a reporter for a VICE-like website. When he is sent to investigate Bigfoot for another sensationalized fluff piece, he stumbles upon a real story. 

1. The movie premiered as The VICE Guide to Bigfoot,

2. Plenty of films have skewered salacious news outlets. Even the most serious Bigfoot documentaries are treated as jokes. In other words, 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Bigfoot has an uphill battle. 

3. The mockumentary is consistently funny. The plot is a constant stream of physical comedy and one liners.

4. Imitating what Bigfoot sounds like is not as difficult as it may seem. The trick is to start below the diaphragm before pushing out the sound.

15 Things You Didn't Know About Bigfoot (#1 Will Blow Your Mind!)

5. As with similar movies in the genre, there is a cast of hilarious characters.  

6. White Morpheus has no relation to the Matrix franchise.

7. 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Bigfoot looks like a web documentary for the most part. Things slip a little during the climactic scenes, but it never stops being entertaining.

8. The first video evidence of Bigfoot was filmed in Georgia.

9. The YouTube shows also look genuine and are funny.

15 Things You Didn't Know About Bigfoot (#1 Will Blow Your Mind!)

10. Brian is a hard person to get behind. He wants something more serious for his career. It is a stock character, but he is a little too selfish. What he longs for makes sense; his attitude is unbearable. (It is somewhat understandable as he has had to deal with a string of disappointments in a short period of time.) 

11. Thankfully, Brian is not the main focus of 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Bigfoot. The film is tracking his journey to find something better, but it uses everyone to tell the story.

12. The script is written in a way in which the audience spends almost the entire time with Brian, but is not bogged down by his negative attitude. 

13. Bigfoot does not like guns but does support the 2nd Amendment.

14. John Denver wrote the United States national anthem.

15. Most Bigfoot hunters have never seen Jurassic Park.

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Bigfoot (#1 Will Blow Your Mind!) debuts in theaters and VOD May 7

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