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X-Men Legends #4
Marvel Comics

Comic Books

‘X-Men Legends’ #4 takes it back to the ’80s

For fans of old-school X-Men, the Legends imprint feels like a godsend.

X-Men Legends #4 continues its X-Factor story with Louise and Walt Simonson at the helm, taking the story back to the days of the original X-Factor.

Most of this story is about robo Hodge’s fight with the team, with narration boxes galore — these little touches make it feel like it’s from another era rather than a 2021 story, which isn’t a bad thing. In fact, it actually adds to the story’s charm overall.

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Walt’s pencils were certainly stronger in issue #3, though X-Men Legends #4 isn’t ugly by any means. Some interesting developments occur, like a young Nathan Summers (still being called Christopher at this stage in X-Factor‘s lore) exhibiting his powers.

The banter between the Original 5 X-Men and their team chemistry was a highlight of the original X-Factor run and it’s a highlight of this story, telling a story about old friends who know each other better than anyone else. Bobby’s status as an Omega Level mutant wasn’t revealed yet during X-Factor, but Simonson includes a little nod to that future bombshell here.

X-Men Legends #4

Image: Marvel Comics

Hodge and Apocalypse’s unholy alliance is really fun to read in that wacky ’80s way, where they’re both so over the top evil it’s just fun camp to read. One thing about Louise Simonson’s stories is that they’re always going to be fun no matter what.

Unlike the Adam X story, X-Men Legends #4 doesn’t feel like a story that needed to be told, though it is a fun read on its own. For fans of old-school X-Men, the Legends imprint feels like a godsend.

X-Men Legends #4
‘X-Men Legends’ #4 takes it back to the ’80s
X-Men Legends #4
For fans of old-school X-Men, the Legends imprint feels like a godsend.
Reader Rating2 Votes
Simonson's writing is fun as always
The little nods to Bobby's Omega status and Nathan's TK powers are cute
The return to classic X-Men is nice
This story didn't feel completely necessary

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