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Deadpool #3
Marvel Comics

Comic Books

‘Deadpool’ #3 disgusts and delights

We smashed a zoo.

Deadpool’s latest ongoing series continues with a fun, flirty, and gross issue #3. Alyssa Wong is still writing while Martin Coccolo and Neeraj Menon return on art and colors respectively.

SPOILERS AHEAD for Deadpool #3!

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We open by checking in with our Deadpool-centric couples over breakfast. Lord and Lady Deathstrike discuss the fallout from the recently-botched assassination attempt on Doc Ock. Doc Ock and Harrower do some complaining about their predicament over bottomless mimosas. And finally, Deadpool and Valentine Vuong flirt over a plate of eggs a la Deadpool. The various breakfasts are a fun framing device and provide us with both plot progression and some unique character interactions.

Deadpool #3
RIP Evan.
Credit: Marvel

Deadpool wears his infatuation for his nonbinary savior on his sleeve as they explain the situation with the symbiote that has been growing inside Deadpool’s liver since issue #1. Deadpool is sympathetic in this moment in a way I found effective. He’s truly in duress and receiving genuine kindness from someone who is reciprocating his romantic feelings has him on his back foot.

The bulk of the issue takes place over Deadpool and Valentine’s zoo date/symbiote field test. As they enter the zoo we get a data page of Zoo Tips featuring Tini the Tiger, Vita the Venus Flytrap, and Leah the Lion. It’s a cute nod to fellow queer, X-Office writers Tini Howard (Excalibur, Knights of X, and the upcoming Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain), Vita Ayala (New Mutants, Children of the Atom), and Leah Williams (X-Factor, The Trial of Magneto, X-Terminators).

Deadpool #3
Marvel Comics

The issue is packed with jokes and winks to dedicated fans like the one above. From the meta-textual animal names to the cover of what appears to be a Deadpool-themed men’s lifestyle magazine featuring quotes from Deadpool’s previous crushes, the issue is dense with little treats for eagle-eyed readers.

I’m particularly fond of how Deadpool refers to his symbiote as Renesmee, the child of Bella and Edward from Twilight, who infamously injures Bella by thrashing around with her vampire strength while in utero, not unlike the symbiote trying to eat Deadpool from the inside out.


Deadpool #3
Renesmee encouraging her favorite ship

Coccolo’s art does good work here. The little details like the background antics of Doc Ock and Harrower’s breakfast, as well as the various asides from little Renesmee are particular highlights in an issue that is very pretty overall. 

Deadpool #3
Marvel Comics

Sure your mileage with the referential humor may vary, but I loved it. It’s nice feeling seeing and reading jokes that are for me, a terminally online X-Men gay who is not above laughing at a dick joke. Whether that is a smart approach for Wong to take is up for debate, but in the meantime, I’m here for it!

Deadpool #3
‘Deadpool’ #3 disgusts and delights
Deadpool #3
Sure your mileage with the referential humor may vary, but I loved it. It’s nice feeling seeing and reading jokes that are for me, a terminally online X-Men gay who is not above laughing at a dick joke. Whether that is a smart approach for Wong to take is up for debate, but in the meantime, I’m here for it!
Reader Rating1 Votes
Valentine is an exciting new character and its great to spend some extended page-time with them
Joke density
Who doesn’t like breakfast?
Your milage may vary with referential humor
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