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'The Wrong Earth: Dead Ringers' #2 review
AHOY Comics

Comic Books

‘The Wrong Earth: Dead Ringers’ #2 review

The Wrong Earth: Dead Ringers #2 continues the comment on comic book tones while developing its plot.

Dragonflyman and Stinger are back on their own campy Earth-Alpha, unfortunately so are Dragonfly and Stinger II of Earth Omega. One planet ain’t big enough for the both of them, or is it? Meanwhile no one knows where Lady Dragonflyman is. Given the bumpy start in the previous issue, will this heroic group of alter-Earth alter-egos manage to coexist?

The Wrong Earth: Dead Ringers #2

AHOY Comics

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There’s less meta humor this month as the story is kicked into a higher gear. There is still humor, just not at the concept’s expense. Rather the plot begins with a question about guns and heroes. Both a comment on gritty realistic “heroes” and American gun control. All the while it looks like Dragonfly of Earth-Omega is becoming more resigned while trapped in this campy pleasant world.

Dragonflyman (as millionaire Richard Fame) sees a way to help Stinger II to guide him away from the violence of Earth-Omega. The book is becoming a battle of hope and optimism against cynicism and pessimism. Be it comic book action or heavy dialogue, each scene serves a purpose further that debate. Whichever side you fall on already could be questioned by the series. There is a plot too, but that’s worth reading rather than spoiling.


The Wrong Earth: Dead Ringers #2

AHOY Comics

The artwork is great too. From the poses to the body language everything goes a long way to further the themes of the two comic book ages. Even something as small as the muscularity of Dragonfly vs Dragonflyman says everything you need to know about the book. And it’s just a panel of two heroes side by side.

It’s not a real complaint so to speak but if there was a drawback of the issue it would be the AHOY extras. One of the two supplemental pieces is a reprint from another AHOY series. This is hardly the end of the world; the story’s good and the more who read it the better, but AHOY has famed itself on delivering more than expected. So to see a reprint is a little disappointing. Although there might no be a large crossover of readers between the two series, unless you’re an AHOY superfan.

'The Wrong Earth: Dead Ringers' #2 review
‘The Wrong Earth: Dead Ringers’ #2 review
The Wrong Earth: Dead Ringers #2
The Wrong Earth: Dead Ringers #2 continues the comment on comic book tones while developing its plot. While meta commentaries on the nature of comics are fascinating to some it is a strong storyline and characters that’ll keep readers engaged. Dead Ringers #2 shows the series has both.
Reader Rating0 Votes
Engaging plot and characters
Thoughtful commentary on tone
Supplemental story is a reprint

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