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'Wonder Woman' #9 perfectly captures Diana's resolve

Comic Books

‘Wonder Woman’ #9 perfectly captures Diana’s resolve

Wonder Woman endures more hardships in ‘Sacrifice’ part 2.

Wonder Woman has been nothing less than exceptional, and in the latest three-issue story arc, she’s trapped with seemingly no aid on the way. As writer Tom King said on the AIPT Comics podcast, there are three trials for her to endure, with the second happening this week in Wonder Woman #9. She faced the Lasso of Lies in Wonder Woman #8, and now it’s a trial by isolation. Thankfully, she’s got Steve Trevor by her side – or is he actually there at all?

It’s fitting King and artist Daniel Sampere have Wonder Woman up against a psychological attack in this latest arc since the series has shown us she’s more than punching and super strength, but also her resolve. Last issue, Diana faced a domestic lifestyle where she was a homemaker for Steve, but it was all a lie. Here, Steve is her support system while she endures isolation. She’s created a kind of imaginary friend to keep her sane in the quiet darkness, with different scenes showing how she keeps it fresh and endures.

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Wonder Woman #9 opens with Wonder Woman at dinner with Steve Trevor. At first, you may think they’re having a nice dinner, but soon, they’re walking in a field, fighting a giant demon and caring for her kangaroo Jumpa. They discuss her time in isolation, first a few days, weeks, and then months. The time is hard to fathom, given how resilient Wonder Woman is inside.

Wonder Woman

More Jumpa, please.
Credit: DC Comics

In a way, these scenes show us different sides of Wonder Woman. There’s also a through-line as she discusses a rat in the cell with her. It leads to a grave situation and then pity. There’s a lot to think about as you read as the creators put you literally inside Wonder Woman’s mind. You’ll consider her resolve and her needs and wants. Ultimately, the creators are saying she can’t be beaten, no matter what. Though it’s not on the page, King also let us know in the interview there is a plan at work here, so it’s not all for nothing.

Sampere’s art is gorgeous, with incredible backgrounds of the old west, Barcelona, and beautiful vistas. It may all be inside Diana’s head, but she sure knows how to pick beautiful spots to spend the time.

There’s also a backup story by King and Belen Ortega that continues Trinity’s adventures as she ages a bit more. Like a Saturday morning cartoon, another lighthearted story involves two corgis. One is named Jon, and the other Damian. Trinity attempts to train these dogs, to no avail, as they’re stubborn and mostly cute. One might wonder why Trinity has two dogs, but all is revealed by the end, and it actually makes some sense. Ortega continues to bring a lot of charm to the characterizations, and she draws a great corgi.

Wonder Woman #9 continues to show the incredible resolve of Wonder Woman as she fights against the threat of losing her mind. The creators continue to show Diana’s strength in ways we haven’t even imagined. Plus, there’s another super cute backup story!

'Wonder Woman' #9 perfectly captures Diana's resolve
‘Wonder Woman’ #9 perfectly captures Diana’s resolve
Wonder Woman #9
Wonder Woman #9 continues to show the incredible resolve of Wonder Woman as she fights against the threat of losing her mind. The creators continue to show Diana's strength in ways we haven't even imagined. Plus, there's another super cute backup story!
Reader Rating1 Votes
Main story reveals Diana is strong in a whole new way we didn't think of
Clean, super detailed art can't be beat
Charming and cute backup story
The main story does feel a touch repetitive as Diana goes from one location to another with Steve
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