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Batman: Dark Age #3
DC Comics

Comic Books

‘Batman: Dark Age’ #3 opens a second front in the war for Gotham City

The stage is set, leaving me eagerly anticipating the introduction of Robin and further battles against the False Face Society.

Batman: Dark Age returns this month with a more traditional Batman tale than the previous two installments. Issues #1 and #2 focused on the early and teenage years of Bruce Wayne and his time spent training under Ra’s al Ghul in Vietnam, fundamentally re-writing the origins of Batman and his path to his crusade on crime. This current issue finds Bruce Wayne more fully into his own as Batman, fighting battles against the False Face Society, but struggling to make gains in the war. Along the way we’re re-introduced to familiar allies and enemies.

DC Preview: Batman: Dark Age #3

DC Comics

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The Story

This issue focuses on lessons learned by Bruce in the early stages of fighting his war on crime. His main enemies are the False Face Society who are controlled by Wayne Enterprises. Though Batman is successful in his small skirmishes with the Society, their numbers are too great and their stranglehold on Gotham too tight to make any significant progress. In a turn of events that could be plucked straight from today’s headlines, Bruce learns that the pharmaceutical branch of the company has been prescribing addictive painkillers and profiting immensely. By also controlling the illicit drug markets in the city through the False Face Society, they are creating a viscous cycle of drug addiction and profiting from it at every step. The main goal seems to be to destroy the very soul of Gotham City, but Bruce Wayne has inherited his parent’s idealism and love of the city he grew up in. He knows the importance of community and will stop at nothing to remind the people of Gotham that they are worth saving.

A chance encounter with Superman gives Bruce some much needed insight and perspective on his campaign against crime. He realizes he needs allies in his fight and needs to coopt some of the strategies of his boardroom enemies. Rather than Batman beating up criminals, Bruce Wayne uses his immense fortune to build housing and rehab centers, he strikes at the problem in a more visible and meaningful way that has huge impacts on the everyday citizens of Gotham. Batman searches for allies in the Justice League as well, but doesn’t believe they will be helpful in Gotham. He has to look closer to home.

Enter Jim Gordon who Batman drafts into the battle, even though they have a checkered history. This puts Jim in the crosshairs of the False Face Society. The issue ends with a daring rescue, help from a Vietnam friend, and what we can assume will be the introduction of Robin in the next issue.

DC Preview: Batman: Dark Age #3

DC Comics

The Art

Fans of Allred’s Batsuit design have plenty to relish here. Now that Bruce has fully made the transition to Batman, this issue is full of the caped crusader kicking False Face Society butt and taking names. We also get to see designs for Superman and several other Justice League members that are familiar, but Allred adds some subtle touches to make the designs his own. We also get a new Batmobile in this issue, with lots of colorful knobs and buttons in the console that really emphasize the advanced tech that Batman is working with. Fight scenes are well choreographed, with Batman showing off the training he received in Vietnam, taking full advantage of his surroundings and planning ahead.

The colors by Laura Allred are superb as always. One page in particular where Superman is picturing the destruction of Krypton while looking up at the sky has an increasing red tint that emphasizes the tragedy of the moment.

Final Thoughts

Batman: Dark Age #3 delivers a gripping installment that blends traditional Batman elements with contemporary issues. The focus on Bruce Wayne’s evolution into Batman, his strategic pivot from physical combat to social reform, and the introduction of familiar allies like Jim Gordon deepen the plot and keep us wanting more. The artwork and vibrant colors enhance the storytelling, making this issue a standout. The new character designs are terrific and the action-packed sequences that showcase Batman’s honed skills are superb. The stage is set, leaving me eagerly anticipating the introduction of Robin and further battles against the False Face Society.

Batman: Dark Age #3
‘Batman: Dark Age’ #3 opens a second front in the war for Gotham City
Batman: Dark Age #3
A gripping installment that blends traditional Batman elements with contemporary issues. The focus on Bruce Wayne's evolution into Batman, his strategic pivot from physical combat to social reform, and the introduction of familiar allies like Jim Gordon deepen the plot and keep us wanting more.
Reader Rating1 Votes
Returns to a more classic Batman narrative compared to previous issues while still weaving in historical events
Re-introduces familiar characters like Superman expanding the universe
Well-choreographed fight scenes
The brief involvement of the Justice League was a little underdeveloped
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