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'Detective Comics' #1085 opens with a great Joker scene

Comic Books

‘Detective Comics’ #1085 opens with a great Joker scene

‘Detective Comics’ #1085 offers creepy looks at Joker and Mr. Freeze.

Detective Comics #1085 continues to show a new kind of Batman who was away from Gotham but has returned. The question remains: Do the people of Gotham even need Batman if the Orgham Family has eliminated crime? It’s a tricky question, especially considering he’s so closely tethered to Joker, who likely won’t want this status quo to continue!

As we saw in Detective Comics #1084, the Joker has entered this tale and opened the latest issue. This scene is fabulous, with great dialogue and even a sick joke from Joker. Points are made that are salient and will likely inspire Joker to do something. A seed is planted for sure for later.

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From there, the issue opens up with an awesome double-page layout of Batman sporting a blood-red bat symbol on his chest, who we learn is doing things a bit differently. He’s on a mission, and the Orghams can’t quite figure it out. Contrary to Batman’s usual modus operandi, he’s doing things loud. Throw in the fact that James Gordon has an interesting role to play in all this, and Ram V is clearly setting up an epic finale here.

Detective Comics #1085

How creepy is Joker here?
Credit: DC Comicsetecti

Some big rogues also appear, like Mr. Freeze and a surprise in the cliffhanger. Freeze seems to change his mind too quickly for my tastes, but Batman’s argument is sound either way.

Art by Stefano Raffaele leans into the dark shadows with heavy inks. The bat motorcycle is a nice touch with a cool sequence, and Joker is practically a monster in a scene cast in greens. Colors by Lee Loughridge certainly don’t miss. Some of Raffaele’s art can look muddy or a bit unfinished, but overall, it works.

There’s also a backup story here by Alex Paknadel, and Christopher Mitten focused on Mr. Freeze. This story explores Mr. Freeze’s humanity after befriending a kind person who helps him escape the police. It’s a fascinating tale as it explores his kinder side but ends on a truly horrific note. Like a wild animal, when treated nicely, he may appear like a friend, but make no mistake, he’s incredibly dangerous and uncaring when he wants to be. Mitten captures his humanity and utter uncaring emotions masterfully.

The pieces continue to fall into place as Batman forms an attack plan in Detective Comics #1085. It seems the Orghams couldn’t rule over Gotham for long, and why would Batman ever allow it?

'Detective Comics' #1085 opens with a great Joker scene
‘Detective Comics’ #1085 opens with a great Joker scene
Detective Comics #1085
The pieces continue to fall into place as Batman forms an attack plan in Detective Comics #1085. It seems the Orghams couldn't rule over Gotham for long, and why would Batman ever allow it? 
Reader Rating0 Votes
Moves the plot along as Batman gains an edge
The opening Joker scene is truly great
Backup offers a haunting look at Mr. Freeze
Art can be rough around the edges
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