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‘The Six Fingers’ #4 veers a bit off track

Comic Books

‘The Six Fingers’ #4 veers a bit off track

Johannes is on the run in ‘The Six Fingers’ #4.

A serial killer can open up walls in impossible places thanks to an ancient language. That’s not even the half of it in The Six Fingers, a crossover series with The One Hand that’s can’t-miss entertainment. The serial killer named Johannes has a better handle on his powers, and what is speaking through him, The Six Fingers #4, gets closer to the truth in its penultimate issue.

The Six Fingers #4 jumps ahead a bit, which is jarring as it made me wonder if I missed something. We left off the last issue with Johannes realizing he can see the entire world in a new light, but he’s inside the factory where he usually works, sabotaging things. His records are there, and we soon learn he’s deleting them to ensure the cops stay off his trail.

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Complicating things further is the strange art gallery curator, who seems to want to run away with him. He fascinates her, and maybe he’s like a living art piece to her. She’s giving him a reason not to flee or kill with abandon, but can he break free of whatever has possessed him?

‘The Six Fingers’ #4 review

I love the “delete” text.
Credit: Image

This issue explores the connection between history and whatever is happening to Johannes. He’s led to believe he’s stuck on some kind of track, but when he confronts a person he must kill, he questions everything. How this plays into what is possessing him or why remains to be seen, so expect fewer obvious answers at this point. Pairing this with some revelations in regards to what Johannes did at the power plant, this issue feels off track. Likely, it’ll all come together eventually, but I was at a loss for why it was taking sidetracks.

The art by Sumit Kumar continues to be great, with a slightly cartoony quality that helps make Johannes almost alien on some scale. The sci-fi elements are strong with this issue from the robots that Johannes controls to the strange techno-halloways Johannes can create. These visuals always draw you in and look believable.

The Six Fingers #4 takes a surprising track by showing Johannes may be worth saving. He’s a victim of whatever it is that is controlling him. His path is altered, but outside of that, the mystery continues to remain unsolved.

‘The Six Fingers’ #4 veers a bit off track
‘The Six Fingers’ #4 veers a bit off track
The Six Fingers #4
The Six Fingers #4 takes a surprising track by showing Johannes may be worth saving. He's a victim of whatever it is that is controlling him. His path is altered, but outside of that, the mystery continues to remain unsolved. 
Reader Rating2 Votes
Serious effort is made to steer Johannes off a path
Visuals always draw you into the world
A few asides don't seem to be in line with the mystery or a larger meaning
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