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'Edge of Spider-Verse' #4 wins you over with a Spider-Woman tale

Comic Books

‘Edge of Spider-Verse’ #4 wins you over with a Spider-Woman tale

‘Edge of Spider-Verse’ #4 features tales for Spider-Woman, Spider-Rex, and Weapon VIII!

The fourth and final issue of Edge of Spider-Verse is out this week, delivering an anthology format of stories focusing on key Spider-Man heroes. It’s also a lead-in to the upcoming Spider-Society. The Spider-Verse is vast, and the stories aren’t stopping anytime soon! Featured here are three stories focusing on Spider-Woman, Spider-Rex, and Weapon VIII featured in Edge of Spider-Verse #1.

Kicking things off is “The Hard Road” by Nilah Magruder and Marcus Williams with Eric Gapstur. The art is positively electric in this story, and great colors are used by Raul Angulo and Marcus Williams. There’s a cartoony vibe that works quite well as we follow Spider-Woman, who fights Hawkeye. The art team stretches the pages well with double-page layouts and nice details like motion blur. There’s definitely an anime feel, thanks to the speed lines used throughout.

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Captions draw us into Spider-Woman’s headspace as she talks to her daughter, who is not yet born in the sequence. I have to say, I was hoping we’d find out who the father is, but alas, that detail isn’t revealed. Instead, we get a spunky Spider-Woman who shows off incredible fighting abilities and a great sense of flair.

Edge of Spider-Verse #4

I wanna drive up buildings!
Credit: Marvel

Next up, Karla Pacheco returns to deliver another Spider-Rex story with Pere Perez called “The Lizard’s Tale.” Per usual for Karla, this story is goofy and fun. Lizard is the main villain and he’s seriously pissed off he lost his tail to Spider-Rex. Craziness ensues; MJ is even transformed, and a fight takes place. It’s a very short story when all things are said and done, but it’s fun to see another Spider-Man rogue get his time in the sun.

Wrapping things up is Alex Segura’s lead-in to Spider-Society called “In the Crosshairs.” Backed by artist Salvador Larroca, the story reveals a covert mission by Weapon VIII that goes a bit sideways. Twice. I can’t say I’m a fan of Larroca’s art here, but I do love the idea of Weapon VIII. It’s a pretty standard story of fighting, recruitment of Weapon VIII thanks to Madame Web, and a clear connection to Spider-Society kicking off. Weapon VIII doesn’t get much character work, but he’s more of a machine than a person, albeit he does have to make a choice for himself for once.

Edge of Spider-Verse #4 is a fun anthology, with the Spider-Woman story stealing the show. This issue blends the goofy with the cool, alongside a connection to a larger tale well and should please fans of the series.

'Edge of Spider-Verse' #4 wins you over with a Spider-Woman tale
‘Edge of Spider-Verse’ #4 wins you over with a Spider-Woman tale
Edge of Spider-Verse #4
Edge of Spider-Verse #4 is a fun anthology, with the Spider-Woman story stealing the show. This issue blends the goofy with the cool, alongside a connection to a larger tale well and should please fans of the series.
Reader Rating0 Votes
The Spider-Woman story is visually impressive with nice character work
Spider-Rex is as goofy as ever
Last story sets up Spider-Society
The limited page count hinders the tales a bit
Can't say Larroca's art pops very well in this one
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