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'X-Men: The Wedding Special' #1 is a fun and cohesive anthology

Comic Books

‘X-Men: The Wedding Special’ #1 is a fun and cohesive anthology

It’s time to celebrate Mystique and Destiny in ‘X-Men: The Wedding Special’ #1.

Out this week is the X-Men: The Wedding Special #1, which serves two purposes: Marvel’s Pride month anthology and a final celebration for one of the longest-running relationships in superhero comics. Mystique and Destiny are renewing their vows in this special written by Kieron Gillen and Rachael Stott, which allows side stories to be told. This is a special celebration of their relationship, but it also doesn’t shy away from the fact that both are villains and have killed people. It’s a bit messy, but would they have it any other way?

Kicking things off is “Something Borrowed, Something Blue” by Gillen and Stott. The wedding hasn’t yet taken place as Destiny gets ready and has her kids, Nightcrawler and Rogue, visit her. They’re awaiting a specific gift from a specific person, and you need to pay close attention to what it might be as it plays into the final moments. It’s a nice scene, especially with how Gillen writes Nightcrawler and Rogue. They’re a happy family.

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Next up is “Wedding Gatecrashers” by Tini Howard and Phillip Sevy. This tale is a fun action comic aside as Betsy and Rachel wake up after sex to stop the Gatecrashers. Howard loops in an Otherworld character who has been absent of late and connects her motivations to the wedding in a clever way. Sevvy draws the Captain Britain Corps well, along with tight action utilizing all the Gatecrashers well.

Wedding Special X-Men

Nice to see the family together.
Credit: Marvel

“Get Mystique… a Gift” is a wonderfully fun story by Tate Brombal and Emilio Pilliu. It features Wolverine, Pixie, Anole, and Indra as they wrack their brains to figure out what to get Mystique as her wedding gift. Pixie is throwing some chaotic energy as she throws them all into Limbo to nab a gift. The Savage Land and a specific character’s bedroom are other locations where gifts can be found, which all crosscut in a unique way at one point. The dynamic between this group is quite fun, and there’s a touching message in the end about the importance of teachers. Pilliu captures the youthful energy of the characters well. Also, props to this team for calling out the fact that Mystique is very much a villain. It’s nice to see it’s referenced, as it’d be ridiculous if these heroes ignored that fact.

“Epee is Truth” follows this story by Yoon Ha Lee and Stephen Byrne, which has Destiny and Mystique. They go on a little therapy session with Emma. Given their histories, they are appropriately guarded, and there’s a nice callback to X-Factor Annual #6. Byrne’s art is super clean and amplifies the mindscape scene, making it feel otherworldly. There’s a nice twist to this tale, too, which should satisfy fans who doubt Emma would ever help these mutants.

The final side story before this book wraps up is “The Thief’s Surprise” by Wyatt Kennedy and Jenn St-Onge. This story smartly shows us Rogue and Destiny alone as Rogue talks about how much she loves Gambit. It’s a nice way of looping in another marriage into this wedding issue. Gambit is, of course, sidetracked, which adds plenty of action. Kennedy and St-Onge do a great job capturing the vivacity and Rogue and Gambit’s love.

Closing out the issue’s story is the actual wedding, picking up where Gillen and Stott left off. Stott draws a great scene here, with plenty of background characters waiting for the bride to show up. The vows are touching and well-written. I honestly didn’t see the twist coming, either, as Gillen delivers a fitting surprise given these two bad-bitch villains.

Next up is a great collection of back matter extras, including a great recap of the Destiny and Mystique relationship told via prose and selected panels. There’s also a great interview with Chris Claremont recapping his push to get these two characters together.

Closing out the issue is the first chapter in Luciano Vecchio’s Marvel’s Voices: Iceman Marvel Unlimited story, which is in print for the first time. His art here is incredible, with a nice cel-shaded look with Iceman sporting his new costume. Given this was told via the app, it actually leads quite well on the page.

X-Men: The Wedding Special #1 might be one of the best Pride anthologies ever, thanks to the cohesiveness between its stories and some deep-cut queer characters being utilized. This isn’t just a grab-bag of stories celebrating queer characters and queer creators, but a meaningful chapter that has fun with its bride and bride. The curation is impeccable, and big props should go to Sarah Brunstad for making this one-shot truly special.

'X-Men: The Wedding Special' #1 is a fun and cohesive anthology
‘X-Men: The Wedding Special’ #1 is a fun and cohesive anthology
X-Men: The Wedding Special #1
X-Men: The Wedding Special #1 might be one of the best Pride anthologies ever, thanks to the cohesiveness between its stories and some deep-cut queer characters being utilized. This isn't just a grab-bag of stories celebrating queer characters and queer creators, but a meaningful chapter that has fun with its bride and bride. The curation is impeccable, and big props should go to Sarah Brunstad for making this one-shot truly special.
Reader Rating1 Votes
All the stories feel relevant to the main event
Some deep cut characters are used and the writing of Destiny/Mystique is great especially given their villainous pasts
Art throughout is vibrant and alive as a wedding should be
Good back matter materials
The Betsy/Rachel story has a bit too much filler action
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