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What to watch at Tribeca

Just a state of what there is to offer.

Tribeca Festival 2024 has arrived! The film lineup is an impressive one that includes heartwarming tales of heroism, coming of age stories, and some horror movies involving issues with in-laws. It is always hard to narrow down a list that is this strong, but we are going to try anyway Here are some of the movies you absolutely cannot miss at Tribeca.

A Family Guide to Hunting (Shorts)

What to watch at Tribeca

Whether you are doing the introductions or are the one being introduced, the first meeting between parents and a significant other is a nerve wracking experience for everyone involved. Eva (Kahyun Kim, Cocaine Bear) decides to take her uptight Korean-American parents and her all-American boyfriend on a hunting trip to bond. Things soon go from bad to grisly.

#AMFAD: All My Friends Are Dead (World Premiere)

What to watch at Tribeca

Trends come and go, but the old fashioned slasher will never die. A group of college friends renting an Airbnb for the biggest musical festival of the year on the other hand… The film follows the tight knit bunch who are ready for a weekend of partying. Their weekend soon takes a deadly turn when they start getting killed off one by one.

Checkpoint Zoo (World Premiere)

What to watch at Tribeca

In the early days of the Ukraine-Russian war, the Feldman Ecopark, found itself caught in the crossfire. Thousands of animals were left trapped with little food and water. A team of zookeepers and volunteers went behind enemy lines in order to save them. Filled with interviews and footage, the documentary sheds light on another aspect of the invasion.

Dirty Towel (Shorts)

What to watch at Tribeca

A strong argument can be made that people are more sexually aware than ever. That does not change the fact that sex is still a difficult subject to talk about. Especially when it is your first time. This short focuses on a teenage girl who tackles feelings of shame, guilt, and self-worth after having sex for the first time. 

Hunters on a White Field (World Premiere)

What to watch at Tribeca

When a hunting trip gets off to a successful start, three hunters feel a sense of exhilaration and friendly rivalry. One day, the friends wake up to complete silence. All of the animals have vanished. Even worse, they now have nothing to hunt. Spurred on by a sense of male bravado, they decide the hunt must continue – now matter how dangerous the consequences.

In the Summers (New York Premiere)

What to watch at Tribeca

Taking place over the course of four summers and two decades, In the Summers is a story of two young sisters as they grow up. Set in Las Cruces, New Mexico, the plot deals with the complicated relationship between a parent and their children. The winner of the U.S. Dramatic Grand Jury Prize at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, it will resonate emotionally with audiences.

New Wave (World Premiere)

What to watch at Tribeca

New Wave music means different things to different people. The titular documentary from filmmaker Elizabeth Ai is a look back on the Vietnamese musical phenomenon of the 1980s. More than just an exploration of fashion and music, the film is also a look at family and generational trauma. Part love letter to her community, part cathartic release, New Wave promises to be one of the most joyful and heartfelt watches from Tribeca.

Shut Up, Jack (Shorts)

What to watch at Tribeca

Who hasn’t told a joke that just did not go over? As much as you try to move on and forget about it, that one moment remains with you. Shut Up, Jack follows the titular character after a joke he tells bombs at a party. Jack’s anxiety quickly spirals out of control as he searches for a way to social redemption.

The Weekend (World Premiere)

What to watch at Tribeca

Orphaned at a young age, Nikya has always wanted a family of her own. Her fiancé Luke finally gives her that opportunity. Unfortunately, he has not been home in over a decade, and is in no rush to do so now. At Nikya’s insistence, the couple meet Luke’s family. A story about meeting in-laws that falls into the “be careful what you wish for” category.

The Devil’s Bath (International Premiere)

What to watch at Tribeca

The Austrian filmmaking duo behind The Lodge and 2014’s Goodnight Mommy return with an authentic period piece about how religious beliefs and societal pressures can lead to madness. Agnes has recently married and soon realizes that her future life is expected to be one filled with a long list of chores and expectations. Committing an unspeakable act of violence seems the only way out of the prison she now finds herself in. Based on historical court records about a shocking chapter in European history.

They’re Here (World Premiere)

What to watch at Tribeca

In recent years, ufologists have been vindicated to some degree. After decades of conspicuous theories, the United States government released a report stating they had been tracking unidentified aerial phenomenon. They’re Here is a documentary that looks at the lives of New Yorkers who have not just seen UFOs. They have had extraterrestrial encounters.

Witches (World Premiere)

What to watch at Tribeca

The witch has been an integral part of cinema since its earliest days. Why? Elizabeth Sankey looks at the cinematic depiction of witches and their ties to motherhood and mental health. The documentary also explores the connection between how witches have been portrayed in popular culture and how we look at women.

Tribeca Festival takes place from June 5 – June 16. The full lineup can be found HERE

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