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'Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic' #39 and #40 offers strong quippy action

Comic Books

‘Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic’ #39 and #40 offers strong quippy action

The current ‘Spider-Man Unlimiated Infinity Comic’ story arc has a good writing for Spider-Man.

Comedy funnyman and immortal bard Scott Aukerman has taken over writing duties on Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic, and the second chapter is out this week. In a story titled “A Date From Beyond,” which kicked off last week, Peter wants to get back out there now that Mary Jane is with Paul, and thanks to Johnny Storm is doing it. Being Spider-Man at a moment’s whim definitely has its drawbacks on dates, as issue #40 reveals.

Picking up where issue #39 left off–defeating the Vulture and giving up on superhero dating app StarkDate App–Spider-Man is on a bonafide date to start this chapter. He soon finds himself on top of his date in the worst way: dodging enemy projectiles. Before he can excuse himself, the date is off, and the fight is on with a giant gray goblin.

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Fans of Spider-Man canon will appreciate a callback with the villain, and Aukerman has a great handle on Spider-Man’s voice. He quips it up from reflecting on the beast to the fact that his web fluid is somehow still patent pending. There’s plenty of agility-fighting action and even a surprising twist to the fight.

'Spider-Man Unlimiated Infinity Comic' #39 and #40 review

Credit: Marvel

The plotting is about as erratic as Spider-Man’s quips, in a good way, with a good cliffhanger to cap things off. I have no idea who the character is, but I did notice their gender, so maybe Spider-Man can get on a date after all. Either way, the story has been fun from the start, with good dialogue and a good balance of action. As a single chapter in an ongoing Infinite Comic, the plotting is quite simple, but that’s inherently part of this format.

Drawn by Federico Sabbatini with colors by Fer Sifuentes-Sujo, the facial expressions and scenes with Spider-Man look great. Sabbatini doesn’t utilize the Infinity Comic format much–it’s mostly square panels or panels that connect diagonally–but a few panels stretch to fit an average rectangular phone. Lettering adds a dynamic element with the smaller panels as the word balloons sometimes overlap into the gutters. Backgrounds show detailed buildings, with atmospheric hues used here and there to add depth.

You’re missing out if you’re not reading the current story arc in Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic. Spider-Man is as quippy as ever in a story juggling romance and fighting bad guys who can’t stop ruining his day. Aukerman supplies amply good quips in a comic right at home with classic adventures.

'Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic' #39 and #40 offers strong quippy action
‘Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic’ #39 and #40 offers strong quippy action
Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic #39 and #40
You're missing out if you're not reading the current story arc in Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic. Spider-Man is as quippy as ever in a story juggling romance and fighting bad guys who can't stop ruining his day. Aukerman supplies amply good quips in a comic right at home with classic adventures.
Reader Rating0 Votes
The voice of Spider-Man is spot on with great quips
Nice call back to the Beyond era
Clean art is good at character acting and drawing Spider-Man himself
Art doesn't utilize the stretches Infinity Comic format
Short on plotting, but this is a weekly comic after all

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