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DC Preview: Green Lantern #12

Comic Books

DC Preview: Green Lantern #12

Hal and the rest of the 2814 lanterns desperately try to escape the hands of the United Planets’ Lanterns, Ring Hunters, and the terrifying Unseen!

Having uncovered the truth behind the United Planets, Hal and the rest of the 2814 lanterns desperately try to escape the hands of the United Planets’ Lanterns, Ring Hunters, and the terrifying Unseen! Only a former ally gives Hal a chance of survival, but will they be too late to save him from certain doom?! Plus, Guy Gardner’s bogus Lobo adventure gets somehow even crazier. Don’t ask us how; we just work here.

Green Lantern #12

Writer: Jeremy Adams
Artist: Xermánico
Release Date: June 11, 2024

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DC Preview: Green Lantern #12 DC Preview: Green Lantern #12 DC Preview: Green Lantern #12 DC Preview: Green Lantern #12

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