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Movie Reviews

[Tribeca ’24] ‘Dirty Towel’ review: Funny short doesn’t avoid serious topic

Beautiful stain.

Dirty Towel is a short film screening at Tribeca that gets off to an amusing start. A mother uses laundry to explain to her daughter the importance of not having sex. It certainly makes for an effective visual. Years later after Charlie has sex for the first time, she thinks back to the conversation she had with her mom. Over and over again.

Director Callie Carpinteri has put together a fine short that keeps audiences laughing without ever losing its focus. Excellent visual gags and one liners (the ending is predictable, but the comedic timing of Emma Parks and Laura Coover is perfect) fill Dirty Towel. It is similar to the raunchy sex comedies of years passed – just without the blatant misogyny and superfluous nudity.

At its heart, it has a very serious story to tell. Parks is excellent as the young girl dealing with what is expected of her. It is not just Charlie’s mother, either. A poignant scene in a grocery store highlight that society has an ideal of what women should be – and what they are if they act in ways they are deemed inappropriate.

Dirty Towel is a fun short that is not afraid to take on a serious topic.

Tribeca Festival takes from June 5 – June 16. The full lineup can be found HERE.

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