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Scarlet Witch #1

Comic Books

‘Scarlet Witch’ #1 is an intense and awesome opener

A jackhammer of entertainment and intrigue.

Scarlet Witch is getting a new #1 issue this week, a new assistant, and “cataclysmic” stakes you may not see coming. It’s all part of Steve Orlando’s ongoing exploration of the character as a shop owner helping people in dire need. Having looped in her brother Quicksilver, fully fleshed out Darcy as her assistant, and done more to craft who she is than any writer in decades, the first issue of the new series will please most fans of the character.

Scarlet Witch #1 opens with Wanda checking in on Chthon. He’s in prison now due to Wanda’s actions, but she’s not wishing him ill by any means. She has better things to do, which leads to a good joke by Orlando, as the better thing to do is revealed to be jury duty. Unfortunately, due to her demonic possession and past acts, she can’t serve, and the narrative zips to her shop. We soon meet new assistant Mantor, who has a clever gig in the shop that extends the shop’s ability to help people. Things turn badly quickly, however, when a zipper-like rip in the sky opens up, and monsters jump down to cause trouble on Wanda’s street!

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The extra-sized Scarlet Witch #1 runs at a good pace, drawing you into each of the characters and getting a sense of who they are. New readers can jump in, but they’d be served better to at least read Orlando’s first arc writing, Scarlet Witch. Manto is particularly intriguing, adding a heroic element and a compelling past to it. By the end of the issue, Darcy comes away as more heroic than ever.

Scarlet Witch #1

Credit: Marvel

This issue doesn’t take action lightly, with plenty of gray toothy demons sliced and diced. Once again, the extra pages serve the story by giving Jacopo Camagni plenty of time, showing magical attacks and various ways these creatures can harm Wanda. The danger level ramps up nicely, showing Wanda is outnumbered and at a disadvantage, then bringing in a larger one and bringing a new threat entirely. Frank William’s colors do a great job with energy effects and blood. This battle feels event-level from beginning to end.

Something that may go unnoticed is how caring and calm Wanda is, thanks to the way Camagni draws her. She’s not gritting her teeth or raging at the enemies, but doing her best to keep up.

Orlando does a great job making you care, from the development of Mantor to a few page turns that may have you gasping with surprise. Quicksilver pops in, and he’s ever the suave type who grins through danger. His attitude makes the final page even more shocking, leaving readers dying to know where this all goes.

Scarlet Witch #1 is a jackhammer of entertainment and intrigue. You’ll be on the edge of your seat and dying for more by the end of the issue, I guarantee it.

Scarlet Witch #1
‘Scarlet Witch’ #1 is an intense and awesome opener
Scarlet Witch #1
Scarlet Witch #1 is a jackhammer of entertainment and intrigue. You'll be on the edge of your seat and dying for more by the end of the issue, I guarantee it. 
Reader Rating0 Votes
Has a nice pace taking its time with characters and throwing lots of threats at Wanda
Fantastic art, especially how it keeps Wanda so calm
High stakes, and some shocking moments
It does start out a bit slow to rev its engines
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