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‘X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse’ #1 is a blast if you love these characters

Comic Books

‘X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse’ #1 is a blast if you love these characters

‘X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse’ #1 juggles 12 characters well.

The Krakoan Age may be over, but X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse is just beginning today. The four-issue epic pits 12 mutants against each other to see who will take over Apocalypse’s mantle. But what does that mean, and why did these mutants agree to this challenge at all? We find that out and more in X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #1.

The first thing you’ll notice when you open this comic is the striking art by Netho Diaz. The style is very ’90s, with a level of detail not unlike classic Rob Liefeld work. That makes it feel right at home with the various characters, which all look spot-on in their looks. JP Mayer inks with colors by Alex Sinclair in what has to be one of the coolest-looking comics all year. The character acting is on point, the explosions look great, and there’s a nice balance of close-ups and epic page-turning moments. There are no complaints in the art department.

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Regarding the story, Steve Foxe has a great handle on these characters. Most of this issue delves into duos rushing into a pyramid, and the reader tries to catch up on what is going on. Breaking them up in this way allows for sharply written character moments while we learn why each one decides to take on this competition. There’s a lot of nuance to each character’s point of view, from how they’re alive to why they’d agree to something run by someone they hate.

‘X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse’ #1 review

Marvel Comics

By the end of the issue, it’s clear why Apocalypse is holding this competition, and it makes some sense, given the fall of Krakoa and the gates. That’s a huge plus since these events tend to feel like throwaway series to fill pages with action and fight scenes. One failing, though, is not giving readers any idea of the challenges.

There’s a vague sense there will be trials, but the story veers off that path in the final pages. Given only four issues in the series, knowing the scope would be nice. With so much time spent setting up who the characters are, the actual battle to become heir really hasn’t started yet.

After reading this issue, you’ll likely have a few ideas on who will come out on top, but it’s up in the air, even with some extra attention given to a character or two. You can probably rule out a character or two, but it’ll be fun to see how the characters climb over each other for the victory, let alone who.

Given the ’90s vibes and compelling characters, it’s safe to say that X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse will be a fun ride. Heir of Apocalypse has perpetually engrossing characters that benefit from a story that keeps you guessing and a decidedly ’90s feel.

‘X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse’ #1 is a blast if you love these characters
‘X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse’ #1 is a blast if you love these characters
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #1
Given the '90s vibes and compelling characters, it's safe to say that X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse will be a fun ride. Heir of Apocalypse has perpetually engrossing characters that benefit from a story that keeps you guessing and a decidedly '90s feel.
Reader Rating0 Votes
Great plotting and pace keeps the story moving with all the characters
Good character writing for so many characters
Art has a decidedly '90s feel that'll bring you back
Doesn't set up what the challenges really are, or if they'll even start
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