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'The One Hand' #5 is a satisfying conclusion with plenty of answers

Comic Books

‘The One Hand’ #5 is a satisfying conclusion with plenty of answers

‘The One Hand’ #5 delivers on answers in a brooding and scary final issue.

The big finale of The One Hand comes to comic shops this week, and answers are expected from fans who have adored this mystery/thriller. Detective Ari Nasser has caught the killer of a similar crime twice, and now he’s coming closer to catching what appears to be a copycat killer for the third time. Set in a slightly dystopian sort of future, science fiction elements spruce up a future where people known as cogs are actually robots, and the killer can escape through walls via impossible passageways. It’s trippy stuff that gets even trippier with The One Hand #5.

Fans of this crossover series with The Six Fingers are going to be talking up a storm once they finish this issue. To say the reveal is a shocker is an understatement. I won’t spoil it here, but it’s reminiscent of a popular sci-fi film, only with a more honest and believable angle. This issue focuses on Ari’s final chase for Johannes. He’s going it alone, without the backing of the police department, with nothing else to lose and a desire to catch his man once and for all. It’s obvious he needs this to give his life purpose. It turns out that this has all been about a purposeful life.

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The issue opens with Ari talking to some unseen interviewer in a room oddly made of red dots. He’s telling whoever is questioning him what happened. This allows writer Ram V to cut away from the action and add emotional weight to Ari’s acts. We know he’s come to a conclusion, and he seems to be in some trouble, and he’s trying to make sense of things even to these interviewers. It’s a good setup that keeps you guessing.

‘The One Hand’ #5 review

A new mystery begins in this issue. Who are the people talking to him?
Credit: Image

The story shifts to an airport after Ari checks in on the cog he loves. It’s here Ram V makes an interesting point about what we’re doing at airports. We’re not going anywhere but stuck waiting. This connects well to the final reveal and is a strong metaphor.

As far as answers, this issue delivers big time. What the deal is with the writing on the walls, why Johannes can create secret passageways, and how this all connects to Ari’s drive for answers make a lot of sense. The final moments are quite striking and scary, aided by Laurence Campbell’s incredible art. There are eerie moments, and horrific ones that’ll send shivers down your spine.

In an interesting twist, the final pages offer text only. This series and The Six Fingers have played a bit with comic storytelling methods, and it’s neat to see it used here. Especially since you’ll be hanging on every word. By the end, you’ll want more of this series, but luckily, The Six Fingers #5 has yet to come out, which will give us a bit more anyway.

The science fiction of it all comes to a head in The One Hand #5. Satisfying answers await in what has to be the best mystery comic you’ll read this decade.

'The One Hand' #5 is a satisfying conclusion with plenty of answers
‘The One Hand’ #5 is a satisfying conclusion with plenty of answers
The One Hand #5
The science fiction of it all comes to a head in The One Hand #5. Satisfying answers await in what has to be the best mystery comic you'll read this decade. 
Reader Rating0 Votes
Will satisfy with its answers
The airport metaphor is compelling
Truly chilling imagery in this issue
A few things are still confusing/vague, but maybe this needs another reread
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