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'Batman' #149 cleverly resets for the next era

Comic Books

‘Batman’ #149 cleverly resets for the next era

Batman must save his clone created by Failsafe!

Since Chip Zdarsky took over on Batman, the series has entered the multiverse, introduced an impossible-to-defeat robot, and even chopped off Bruce Wayne’s hand. It has been a wild ride, and that ride comes full circle in many ways in Batman #149, out this week. With Failsafe defeated and Bruce ready to pick up the pieces with his family, there’s one big question left: What to do with a clone Failsafe made of Bruce Wayne.

Batman #149 opens with Failsafe’s Robin, aka a younger Bruce Wayne, violently attacking a mugger. Enter Batman, who refuses to fight him and only hugs him. The brunt of this issue is about Batman trying to save a rapidly aging clone of himself, but with limited resources and limited time, it’s a race he likely can’t win.

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In many ways, this issue resets elements back to before Zdarsky took over. That includes Baman’s wealth, his confidence in his family, and his new lease on life. Zdarsky expertly captures the fear and unease of growing old and knowing you’ll be gone one day. As Batman sees the clone age and is afraid, he too feels it. In this way, the clone helps Batman get some clarity for himself as the series resets for another era under Zdarsky. The clone is even used to help clean up one loose end you won’t see coming. It all amounts to some clever resetting, so things still feel earned.

Baman #149

Batman versus…Bruce Wayne?!
Credit: DC Comics

Closing out the issue are two key scenes that help set the stage for where this series goes from here. One involves the new commissioner and a bold statement from Batman. It’s actually a bit of a surprise how Batman responds. The other involves a new headquarters for Batman. Zdarsky makes a strong case for why its location is important. It’s also a nice start to a new home for Batman and his large family of vigilante heroes. Oh, and fans of Bat/Cat should pick up this issue.

The artwork by Michele Bandini and Steve Lieber is good, with a slightly more cartoony look compared to Jimenez’s style. Along with the colors by Nick Filardi, the book has a wholesome and warm feel. The idea of accepting death after a life well lived is captured well in a touching end for the clone. There isn’t much action, and both artists do well with the character acting, which is the prime focus.

Batman #149 closes the door on long-running plot threads while setting the stage for a warmer and more family-focused Bruce Wayne. The creative team captures a wholesome and warmth while Batman faces a close-to-home death and a reminder we need to help others always in the short time we’re here.

'Batman' #149 cleverly resets for the next era
‘Batman’ #149 cleverly resets for the next era
Batman #149
Batman #149 closes the door on long-running plot threads while setting the stage for a warmer and more family-focused Bruce Wayne. The creative team captures a wholesome and warmth while Batman faces a close-to-home death and a reminder we need to help others always in the short time we're here.
Reader Rating0 Votes
Effectively resets a lot of elements so the story can pick up anew
Character acting is on point thanks to the art
A solemn issue that isn't really new-reader friendly
Lacks action
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