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'Ultimate Spider-Man' #6 is the Spider-Man comic fans have been asking for

Comic Books

‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ #6 is the Spider-Man comic fans have been asking for

‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ #6 delivers on big action and big family ties.

Peter Parker has only been Spider-Man for six months in Ultimate Spider-Man, so he’s still getting his bearings on how to be a hero. At 40-something years old, it’s a lot, but as we’ve learned in this series, deep down, he knows he was born for this. In Ultimate Spider-Man #6, his superheroics are tested as he fights Kingpin, but can he live to tell his family he’s okay? Or that he’s Spider-Man!?

Ultimate Spider-Man #6 opens in June, with Peter explaining why he has a black eye to his family. It’s a pivotal moment for Peter, as only his daughter knows he’s a superhero, but that may not last long. This opening frames the battle with Kingpin, which lets loose with superhero fighting action and more tidbits on Green Goblin’s methods.

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Once again, Jonathan Hickman reveals that this version of Spider-Man is more family-oriented than you could have imagined. Not only was his costume aided by his daughter’s design, but we find out how he picked Spider-Man as his name. It’s a clever way to connect his entire identity to Mary Jane and his two kids, adding a nice warm hug to the series.

Ultimate Spider-Man #6

The cat is out of the bag!
Credit: Marvel

Marco Checchetto returns to the series after a two-issue hiatus and completely crushes in regards to Kingpin and his might. The character has been shown to be a bruiser in old-school comics, and that’s the case here. He’s massive, with some kind of augmentation to make him invulnerable. Checchetto renders him huge in the frame as if he’s an elephant or giant wild animal that could step on you by accident and take you out. The action scene is intense and a reminder that both Spider-Man and Green Goblin are very new to fighting heavyweight villains. If you had any doubts this series wasn’t up to snuff with the best fight comics, Checchetto puts that to bed.

This issue also continues to lean into a Mary Jane-loves-Peter Parker narrative. For fans who wish the two were together in the 616, it’s safe to say this series is your cure. A touching scene between Peter and Mary Jane closes out the book, further cementing the wholesome family aspect and making it quite clear this is a family unit that loves each other. It’s the life Peter always deserved.

Ultimate Spider-Man #6 has everything fans have been asking for in a Spider-Man comic. It features big action, wholesome Peter and MJ scenes, and exceptional art. It also continues to show a Spider-Man who is older but way more green than ever as he tries to figure out this superhero thing.

'Ultimate Spider-Man' #6 is the Spider-Man comic fans have been asking for
‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ #6 is the Spider-Man comic fans have been asking for
Ultimate Spider-Man #6
Ultimate Spider-Man #6 has everything fans have been asking for in a Spider-Man comic. It features big action, wholesome Peter and MJ scenes, and exceptional art. It also continues to show a Spider-Man who is older but way more green than ever as he tries to figure out this superhero thing. 
Reader Rating0 Votes
Fans of Peter and MJ will love this issue
Great fight scene with Kingpin looking as formidable as ever
This is the Spider-Man fans have been asking for
The plot progression continues to feel a bit slow, especially with a month gap between each issue in real time
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