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'Thanos Annual' #1 is a strong start to 'The Infinity Watch' story

Comic Books

‘Thanos Annual’ #1 is a strong start to ‘The Infinity Watch’ story

Thanos seeks the Infinity Stones in ‘Thanos Annual’ #1!

“The Infinity Watch” is a new annual crossover event series that is kicking off this week in Thanos Annual #1. Focusing on the Infinity Stones, this series aims to bring back some of the most cosmically powerful items in the Marvel universe. If you haven’t been reading about the exploits of these stones – which seem to have a mini-event about them every year or two – they are now inside people. As Thanos learns in today’s issue, that’s added a major wrinkle in finding them all.

Thanos Annual #1 is a good first issue written by Derek Landy. It effectively taps into Thanos’ current persona and digs up a bit of his past. As we learn on the very first page, Thanos wasn’t always a killer, but he eventually became addicted to the love Death could give him. Now, he seeks the stones as Death has been turned into a stone herself, hoping he can awaken her and continue their romance.

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The main conflict of this issue revolves around Star, the hero who has joined with the reality stone. She’s a bit spunky, totally new to using these powers, and loves to insult Thanos to his face. They come face to face in a coffee shop, and she throws plenty of purple-focused insults at Thanos. Quantum is also involved in this altercation, a man who can teleport and has become one with the space stone.

If you’re looking for some Infinity Stone action, you’ve come to the right place. Salvadore Larroca and Landy come up with some unique ways the stones can be weaponized. In possibly the most interesting action scene, Thanos implores different tactics to combat three different stone users. It’s a reminder he’s trained to fight back when “his” stones are used against him.

Thanos Annual #1

There’s an interesting thing going on with Death in this one.
Credit: Marvel

I can’t say I love Larroca’s art, but there are interesting panel layouts and dramatic beats that work. When Thanos appears in the coffee shop, it feels epic due to his size and the detail of his suit and body. Star’s expressions are also well done. Unfortunately, Larroca’s style tends to look flat or awkward when characters are standing at certain angles.

Closing out this issue is “The Death Stone Saga,” chapter one, an ongoing backup that’ll run in each issue of this event. The end of the main story directly leads into this backup, which should excite fans as it involves the death stone and a surprise return of a main character. Sara Pichelli’s art is excellent in this scene, which is set in a spooky-looking cemetery. The backup features two characters that could use more purpose in the Marvel universe, so here’s to hoping this event makes them more relevant.

I’m not always sold on Marvel’s annual crossover via annual issues, but Thanos Annual #1 has made me a believer. Landy has a great handle on writing Thanos, while the lingering sense that the Infinity Stones can gain more play is always enticing. “The Infinity Watch” feels important as it excitingly explores the Infinity Stones’ next chapter.

'Thanos Annual' #1 is a strong start to 'The Infinity Watch' story
‘Thanos Annual’ #1 is a strong start to ‘The Infinity Watch’ story
Thanos Annual #1
I'm not always sold on Marvel's annual crossover via annual issues, but Thanos Annual #1 has made me a believer. Landy has a great handle on writing Thanos, while the lingering sense that the Infinity Stones can gain more play is always enticing. "The Infinity Watch" feels important as it excitingly explores the Infinity Stones' next chapter.
Reader Rating0 Votes
Main story nails Thanos' POV and delves into his past a bit too
Star is always intriguing as a green hero with an attitude
Backup should excite fans who want some real change in the Marvel Universe
A lot of Larroca's art is flat or awkward
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