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X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

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X-Men Monday #53 – April Fools’ Edition With Scott Aukerman

The host of the Comedy Bang Bang podcast has the spoiler answers you’ve been waiting for!

Welcome, X-Fans, to another uncanny edition of X-Men Monday at AIPT!

Or should I say “Heynongman!” Fans of the Comedy Bang Bang podcast–and the much-missed IFC series of the same name–will get that joke. You know what else they’ll love? The fact that this week, X-Men Senior Editor Jordan D. White helped us snare Comedy Bang Bang host Scott Aukerman for a special April Fools’ week edition of X-Men Monday!

Listen to the latest episode of our weekly comics podcast!
X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Comedy Bang Bang’s Facebook page

I know, I know–more people probably loathe than love April Fools’ Day, but I think it’s fair to say this April 1, we could all use a good laugh. So why don’t we kick off what will hopefully be a week of LOLs right now with the one and only Hot Saucerman!

AIPT: Welcome to X-Men Monday, Scott! It’s a real treat to have you here. I’d like to go back to the very beginning. Do you remember what your first X-Men comic was, and also, what was it about the X-Men that appealed to you? 

Scott: I knew who the original X-Men were, from reprints of the first team. But, when I was over at a friend’s house, he had a copy of Uncanny X-Men #130, which was the first appearance of Dazzler. The Claremont writing and Byrne art totally immersed me in the world of the merry mutants, and I still consider it to be one of the best issues ever.

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

I think I certainly respond to the outsider metaphor of the X-Men, but reading them back recently, I also am struck by how strong the characterization of the female characters is. Most other comics had women in the supporting cast, but none of them had super powers and most of them were boring. These women kicked ass and went toe to toe with the men!

AIPT: They sure did–and still do. In fact, some would even say all the best X-Men are women! You mentioned Uncanny X-Men #130, but I’m curious, do you have a favorite X-Men story of all time?

Scott: The Paul Smith run from Uncanny X-Men #165-175, interspersed with the first Wolverine limited series with Frank Miller, is my favorite run. Every panel is beautiful and Claremont is pushing the characters into new directions that turned out to be the building blocks every creator since has used.

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

AIPT: And flashing forward to the present–as a reader, what do you love the most about the current X-Men era?

Scott: There’s a real sense of “anything can happen” now, which hasn’t been there for a long time. Every time I pick up an issue, it seems like there’s something happening in it I’ve never seen in a comic before, which is a great feeling.

AIPT: Definitely! Now, back in your X-Men Black – Mojo one-shot, you showed us that the Spineless One was capable of falling in love. Doug (@dumplstiltskin) was wondering, if/when Mojo finally finds love and settles down, how would he balance work and family?

Scott: Well, I wonder if he’s still seeing his girlfriend Ann (named after Nocenti, by the way!) under the streets of NYC? Is he broadcasting what’s going on in Krakoa? Would be great to see a writer pick up on those threads. 

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

AIPT: Speaking of Mojo, Asimov_fangirl (@asimov_fangirl) wanted to know which actor or podcaster would you want to see play the character in a new adaptation?

Scott: When I hear Mojo’s voice, I think of Paul F. Tompkins doing a cross between Andrew Lloyd Webber and Big Chunky Bubbles (listen to the Comedy Bang Bang podcast to understand those references!).

AIPT: Well, that’s a good transition to our next question from Jesse Glaspey (@Arsenalroy2k): Which Comedy Bang Bang characters do you think would be welcome on Krakoa?

Scott: There have definitely been a lot of magical characters and aliens on our show, but none have expressly come out as mutants. But I have my suspicions! There’s something about Cactus Tony (played by Andy Daly) that makes me think the snakeskin he exclusively wears might be generated from his body? And where did the water which flooded the carpet store operated by Big Sue (played by Lauren Lapkus) come from? She might be an omega-level water mutant.

AIPT: Well, one mutant you’re very familiar with is Mukus, who you co-created with André Lima Araújo. Nariman Deravi (@DeraviNariman) asked, are there any plans for a Mukus solo series or mini-series?

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

Scott: I would love to dig deep into Mukus’s backstory! I imagine he had an origin similar to Rogue’s, where, the first time he tried to kiss his crush, he sneezed loogies all over their face. This has given him soul-crushing angst over the years that would be incredible for a writer to explore. 

AIPT: What are you waiting for, Hickman?! OK, two-part question: Which X-Man would have the best podcast, and which X-Man would have a podcast none of the other X-Men want to listen to?

Scott: I think Beast may have a good combination of being able to juggle intelligence with keeping it light, breezy, and entertaining. I think Sunspot and Cannonball tried to start a podcast where they reviewed every Magnum P.I. episode, and gave up after three episodes. 

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

AIPT: That all tracks. A comedy question courtesy of MehmetOKURRRRR (@mehmetokurrrrr): Which X-Villain do you think has a tight-five standup set ready to go?

Scott: I think Deadpool is one of those guys whose friends all encourage him to go up on open mic night because of how “hilarious” he is when fighting. He does well his first time because of adrenalin and doing mostly crowd work. But then he bombs HARD every time after that and eventually gives up and goes back to mercenary work.

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

AIPT: You know, Deadpool loves swords. And I’m sure you’ve heard that the X-Men are all getting swords soon. Scott, Adam Reck (@arthurstacy) wanted to know: If you got one, what would your sword look like?

Scott: Burt Reynolds. 

AIPT: Fair enough. Now, if our friend, X-Men Senior Editor Jordan D. White asked you to create yet another Summers sibling, what would their name and power be? Godspeed You! Black Garden (@GodspeedGarden) wanted to know.

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

Scott: IT’S RIGHT THERE IN THEIR NAME. Summers! Weather-controlling powers, but only to raise the temperature to 83 degrees. Code name Sunscreen. 

AIPT: Hope you’re reading, Jordan! We’ve got a Maggott questions (because there’s always a Maggott question). Xavier Files (@XavierFiles) said, you ever think it’s messed up that Maggott has two slugs for a stomach but has never been in a hot dog eating contest? And if he were to enter one, who should he be competing with?

Scott: He should, of course, be competing against the hot dog-eating mutant from our Earth, Joey Chestnut. 

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

AIPT: It’s not often we have Hollywood actors answering X-Men fan questions–so let’s answer an acting question that has absolutely nothing to do with X-Men! AIPT’s very own Connor Christiansen (@konnor79) asked if you did any special preparation to play young Nigel Powers in Austin Powers in Goldmember? And a follow-up question: Did Michael Caine give you any pointers on how to play a younger version of himself?

Scott: I worked up a passable Michael Caine impression for my audition. But after I was cast, I found out they were, instead, going to intercut old footage of Mr. Caine when he was facing forward, and only use me from the back. Back-ting, I call it, and I was incredible at it! Some might say my only good performance. Mr. Caine, unfortunately, was not on set the day I worked, which was a real bummer! 

AIPT: It’s truly an honor to have a Back-tor of your stature in our presence. Surely, a Back-tor such as yourself has access to information X-Fans crave… so it’s time for some spoiler questions! First up, what’s the deal with Scott, Jean and Logan’s connected rooms in the Summer House on the Moon?

Scott: Everyone talks about their connected rooms, but why is no one bringing up the fact that the Nick Fury Watcher is coming over on the regs for Ice Storm-style key parties??

AIPT: So that’s why they chose the Moon. OK, so, when she was alive… why couldn’t Kate Pryde use the Krakoan gates?

Scott: The gates use an organic version of the same phasing power that Kate had, so it was canceling out hers, similar to what happens when Scott and Alex Summers try to use their powers on each other!

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

AIPT: It’s so obvious now! OK, OK–one more! Is Professor X messing with everybody’s minds? He is, isn’t he?

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

Scott: He’s actually subtly broadcasting Rupert Holmes’ “Escape (The Pina Colada Song)” in their minds 24/7 to calm them and keep them from freaking the f**k out.

AIPT: And now I’m wondering if that giant helmet’s also a pina colada maker. Alright, final question before we let you get back to podcasting, directing and all the other cool stuff you do. You’ve written Mojo and Glob. Are there other X-Characters you’d love a crack at in a future project?

Scott: Re-reading Age of Apocalypse the other day, I was enjoying Morph… what’s up with him? Is he dead? Can a guy like him even die? And what’s Dead Girl from X-Statix up to, now that no one can die? And was Edie brought back to life? Might be interesting to team them up! 

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

AIPT: That combination’s just random and quirky enough to guarantee it’d become X-Fans’ new-favorite team, so again, I really hope Jordan’s reading! But on that note, we bring this week’s April Fools’ edition of X-Men Monday to a close. Thank you so much, Scott, for taking the time to swing by and talk X-Men! And–as always–thanks to all the X-Fans who submitted questions!

(Oh, and to all the Comedy Bang Bang fans reading X-Men Monday for the first time–be sure to bookmark AIPT–we do this column every week!)

OK, X-Fans, that’s all for this week. Be smart and wash your hands like our friend Glob here:

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

Continue to practice social distancing, please, please, PLEASE only go out when necessary (hold your X-Men book clubs over Zoom) and have an eXceptional week!

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

Uh… why are you all still here? And… why are you all looking at me like that? It’s weird. Have an eXceptional week!

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

What? No–don’t get comfortable, get out of here! And that’s a terrible example of social distancing–you’re practically right on top of each other.

X-Men Monday #53 - April Fools' Edition With Scott Aukerman

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

OK, OK, you got me. APRIL FOOLS!!! LOL LOL LOL! For your patience, please enjoy these eXclusive preview images.

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