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The cover for WildC.A.T.s #12
DC Comics

Comic Books

‘WildC.A.T.s’ #12 shows a boundless love for the team

The most chaotic book reaches an expectedly chaotic end.

WildC.A.T.s is a complicated book. There’s no other way around it. The story revolves around a team most prominently known in the ’90s, as Matthew Rosenberg, Danny Kim, Tom Derenick, Elmer Santos, and Ferran Delgado desperately try to unite the DC mainline universe with Wildstorm. Black Canary, the Court of Owls, the Void, alternate realities, the Seven Soldiers, evil robots, and romance are all plots that need to be tied up in this book, as it comes to a final conclusion. WildC.A.T.s #12 fulfills everything readers could be looking for.

The issue is mostly filled with battles. Fluid characters race across the page, striking at every single enemy that has been clawing for their heads throughout the book. Each member of the WildC.A.T.s gets a moment to shine — something that this book has been struggling to balance since it began. Zealot, Grifter, the Seven Soldiers, and even Batman all have their chances.

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Even more impressively, Rosenberg always finds the opportunity for humor. Whether heroes are cracking jokes at the enemy or at each other, there is never a wisecrack wasted.

DC Preview: WildC.A.T.s #12

DC Comics

The gradual weakening of the Void has also been a subtle element that actually makes this final issue possible. Without Rosenberg slowly seeding her decline, she could have easily thrown everyone into the sun. Instead, her weakness is fully believable and does not feel the least bit contrived.

Generally, if the end of WildC.A.T.s #11 left the prevailing idea that this book is impossible to conclude in a single issue, WildC.A.T.s #12 spits in the face of that idea, and Zealot slices through it with a sword. So much is summed up that it can take three rereads to fully grasp it all.

The most fascinating element of the issue is undoubtedly how Grifter handles his final confrontation with the Court of Owls. Without giving it away, it twists the very concept of a superhero fight. The beginning of his final strike is somewhat cliche, but the ending is as clever as it is… well, Grifter. Marlowe’s ending is more hilarious than it is clever, but it certainly works in the context of a series as chaotic as this.

DC Preview: WildC.A.T.s #12

DC Comics

Towards the end of the issue, there are some hints that this is not truly the end for the WildC.A.T.s. It will be interesting to see if Rosenberg is given the chance to pick up these characters again, or if they will instead be permanently scattered.

Zealot is already running with the Birds of Prey, but there are too many other compelling characters in this book to leave them to their own devices. At the very least, this book has proven that Grifter needs a permanent home.

Unfortunately, the book implies that some characters may very well not be seen again, which is an absolute shame. Wildstorm fans have had the chance of a lifetime with this book, but it leaves any reader begging for more. With Wildstorm finally fully integrated into the DC mainline universe, it’s time for every character to fully jump into DC’s countless heroic teams.

WildC.A.T.s #12, featuring Ladytron on the attack

DC Comics

Story aside, the art is always thrilling. There is a cartoony atmosphere mixed with so much blood and gore that even Grifter would complain. The backgrounds may not always be perfectly detailed, but they never need to be. They complement every figure and provide an extra punch to every panel.

There are still some persistent issues. Censoring the curses is still an unnecessary decision that just takes readers out of the book. Pondering it, after all, is easy. Which six-letter word is that, and which is more likely for Grifter to say? If anyone can answer, I would genuinely love to know. I spent several minutes pondering it — when I was supposed to be writing this review.

All-in-all, there is very little to dislike about this issue. It ties up loose ends but still leaves a few to be unraveled in future appearances. WildC.A.T.s #12 shows a boundless love for the team, the Wildstorm universe, and every character within it. Despite being an issue largely filled with fights and the smallest semblance of an epilogue, it absolutely hits home and proves just a viable a team this ragtag group of rugged assassins can be.

The cover for WildC.A.T.s #12
‘WildC.A.T.s’ #12 shows a boundless love for the team
WildC.A.T.s #12
All-in-all, there is very little to dislike about this issue. It ties up loose ends but still leaves a few to be unraveled in future appearances. WildC.A.T.s #12 shows a boundless love for the team, the Wildstorm universe, and every character within it. Despite being an issue largely filled with fights and the smallest semblance of an epilogue, it absolutely hits home and proves just a viable a team this ragtag group of rugged assassins can be.
Reader Rating0 Votes
Sums up everything from the series with a shocking ease.
The entire issue is filled with fighting, yet it balances dialogue and action seemlessly.
Put these characters in more books, stat!
Cannot devote quite enough time to the Batman and Superman storyline from the early issues.
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