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Dynamite offers epic Humble Bundle with over 20,000 pages of story

Comic Books

Dynamite offers epic Humble Bundle with over 20,000 pages of story

The Humble Bundle features tons of series, including Vampirella, Red Sonja, Jungle Girl, and so much more.

Dynamite Entertainment has made available a Humble Bundle featuring over 20,000 pages of comics, and you get to pay for what you want. The Humble Bundle features tons of series, including Vampirella, Red Sonja, Jungle Girl, and so much more.

The official description reads:

Listen to the latest episode of our weekly comics podcast!

This unbelievably massive bundle of comics from Dynamite Entertainment is bursting with amazing stories from some of the most iconic, pulp-infused series out there! Get dozens of volumes— thousands of pages in all!—including fan favorites like Red Sonja, Project Superpowers, Army of Darkness, Vampirella, and many more. Whether your tastes run to gritty sword and sorcery, thrilling horror-tinged tales, or anything in between, this mammoth library will keep you riveted. Pay what you want for over $1,600 worth of comics and help support The Hero Initiative with your purchase!

Dynamite offers epic Humble Bundle

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