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WE ARE LADY PARTS -- Episode 201 --
— (Photo by: Saima Khalid/WTTV LIMITED/PEACOCK/C4)


‘We Are Lady Parts’ season 2 review: Moving tale of sisterhood and woman empowerment with a punk edge

We Are Lady Parts is one of the rockingest shows on television that follows an all female, Muslim punk band as they try to make it big in the business. The group encounters the same hardships any aspiring musician experiences while also managing their own personal lives. When we last left off, Lady Parts started to make some progress attracting a passionate fanbase. With the return of the series later this week, they are ready to take the next big step in their careers.

One big difference in season two of We Are Lady Parts is the change of focus to highlight each member of the band including their manager. The narrative goes from very Amina centric to allowing Saira, Ayesha, Bisma, and Montaz their own moments of deeper development. The series tackles relatable themes of not only faith, but of sexuality, identity, romance, generational differences, and more. Writer, Nida Manzoor cleverly approaches these subjects with sharp and  comedic observations to provide levity, and also with the delicate touch to ensure the messages are impactful.

Sarah Kameela Impey, who plays lead singer Saira, and Juliette Motamed, who plays drummer Ayesha, deliver stand out performances. Maybe because their characters are the more gruff members of the band, but that demeanor only emphasizes Saira and Ayesha’s moments of vulnerability and reflection. For the former, she wrestles with the tough decisions as their leader, and questions how much of Lady Parts is sacrificing for success. For the latter, it’s amusing to see how much of a big softy she is when in love, but you can sense the internal pain and struggle keeping her secret from her family. 

WE ARE LADY PARTS -- Episode 203 --

We Are Lady Parts also improves upon what made the first season so charming and entertaining. As mentioned previously, the comedy is top notch with great jokes, one liners, and slapstick. Manzoor, who also serves as director, has the ability to seamlessly incorporate the surreal. Even though it’s live action, that transition is as smooth as those found in animation. Most of the time it adds to the playful nature of the show, but is as effective when it introduces more dramatic elements.

Then, you can’t have a series about a punk band without some rocking music. Nida, Shez Manzoor, Sanya Manzoor, and Benjamin Foreign create some hard and catchy original bangers that are thematically relevant and capture the emotion and tone of the scene. They also prove their versatility by writing songs of other genres besides punk. Combine that with some inventive covers and the music will draw you in each time. Visually, Nida has a distinct style with these music video-esque interludes that conveys a rebellious spirit and attitude in different ways. 

In the end, We Are Lady Parts is an entertaining and moving tale of sisterhood and woman empowerment all with a punk rock edge. Regardless of the issues the characters face both within and outside the band, they ultimately have each other’s back. That support system helps them pursue their dreams without compromising their values.

We Are Lady Parts season two drops Thursday, May 30, on Peacock.

WE ARE LADY PARTS -- Episode 203 --
We Are Lady Parts S 2 review
Season two is an entertaining and moving tale of sisterhood and woman empowerment all with a punk rock edge.
Reader Rating0 Votes
Strong performances all around especially from Sarah Kameela Impey and Juliette Motamed.
Top notch comedy with great jokes, one liners, slapstick, and a touch of the surreal.
Fun music selection with hard and catchy bangers to inventive covers.
Though there is a greater focus to spotlight and develop each member of the group, some storylines aren't as compelling as others.

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