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REGINALD THE VAMPIRE -- "Watch the Sunrise" Episode 204
Photo: James Dittiger/Syfy


‘Reginald the Vampire’ season 2 episode 4 review: A bitter and sweet gathering of the entire gang

There’s a loss in the Reginald the Vampire family.

Reginald the Vampire usually keeps an upbeat tone, even though it involves dangerous conflicts with other vampires and, this season, angels. However, “Watch the Sunrise” takes a much more somber turn.

The tragedy that strikes Claire seems out of nowhere, but death can be like that. Also, the episode seems like a breather from the main narrative because there is little progress in the overarching narrative. The more significant developments appear as afterthoughts considering they are overshadowed by the mourning and funeral. Plus, the theme of loss prevails throughout dampening the show’s usual lightheartedness.

But it’s not a complete downer on Reginald the Vampire. It’s very poignant how all the characters rally around the youngest member of their found family. Each have their sweet gestures to comfort their friend making the bitter much more manageable. Todd as the big brother and Nikki and Ashley as the warm, understanding moms are most memorable. But there are some off brand actions from others with mixed results. Angela exhibits compassion in a surprisingly refreshing and boss way while the regularly understanding Maurice is less than tactful. His response is jarring since he hasn’t been portrayed in that way. Regardless, the episode reinforces the group’s closeness.

REGINALD THE VAMPIRE -- "Watch the Sunrise" Episode 204 -- Pictured: (l-r) Jacob Batalon as Reginald Andres, Max Montesi as Uriel
Photo: James Dittiger/Syfy

Speaking of the found family, it’s nice to see that Uriel is included. The angel has been adrift after abandoning his responsibilities. We all know about his infatuation with Sarah, but here he makes some inroads with the gang as a whole. It further progresses his knowledge of the human experience, and his gift is even enough to earn Reginald’s gratitude. They might be rivals, but there is a respect between them. It’s interesting if he’ll turn into an ally or source of intel during the confrontation with Bolestro.

There are also some good moments between Reginald the vampire and Sarah. Even though they need to sort out their complicated relationship, doesn’t mean they don’t care for each other. Due to Claire’s situation, Sarah convinces Reginald to reach out to his family. It’s cool the writers can find an organic and low key way to incorporate Jacob Batalon’s heritage onto the show. For his part, Reginald is ready to be transparent and honest with Sarah taking a step in the right direction. Even if it doesn’t spark the response he wants.

“Watch the Sunrise” reminds us how close the characters are despite the circumstances delivering a bittersweet experience. 

New episodes of Reginald the Vampire air Wednesdays on Syfy.

REGINALD THE VAMPIRE -- "Watch the Sunrise" Episode 204 -- Pictured: (l-r) Jacob Batalon as Reginald Andres, Max Montesi as Uriel
Reginald the Vampire S 2 E 4 review: 'Watch the Sunrise'
“Watch the Sunrise” reminds us how close the characters are despite the circumstances delivering a bittersweet experience.
Reader Rating0 Votes
t’s very poignant how all the characters rally around the youngest member of their found family.
Some good moments between Reginald and Sarah as they sort out their complicated relationship,
The more significant developments appear as afterthoughts considering they are overshadowed by the mourning and funeral.

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