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Green Lantern #12
DC Comics

Comic Books

‘Green Lantern’ #12 review: What’s love got to do with it? 

The truth is out about the United Planets, and the Resistance Corps is under attack.

The previous issue of Green Lantern left us hanging with a major revelation, and now we’re about to witness the aftermath with the United Plants and Carol Ferris. This series recently marked its year-long anniversary, and we’re now diving into the 12th issue. Let’s also not forget the “separate yet connected” tie-in issues to Knight Terrors, which brings the total to 14 issues with Jeremy Adams at the helm of this relaunch. While I appreciate the mystery of the Emotional Spectrum and the worry about the United Planets that Adams and artist Xermanico have brought with their stories, get ready to hold out a little longer as things will take a turn in this issue. 

Green Lantern #12

DC Comics

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I did sense a bit of frustration from Kyle Rayner fans as issue #8 brought Kyle back into the series, and then issue #10 had him sidelined by the problems from the Emotional Spectrum. At least in this issue, as you can see from our preview, Kyle gets a great moment taking down their would-be jailers from the United Planets. I enjoy how the other Lanterns react to Kyle’s use of power. From the art, it looks like he channeled White Light, so I can’t wait to see why that is happening, and I appreciate that Kyle’s connection to the Emotional Spectrum is still present. I know I get bummed when I see my favorite Lantern sidelined, so I am hopeful for the Kyle Rayner fans that there will be some big moments to come. 

Xermanico and colorist Romulo Fajardo Jr. take the lead with the visuals on this issue. There are many two-page spreads that your eye will dance across, but slow down to take in all the dynamic action. We get some terrific scenes of Hal, Simon, and Jo doing their best to escape the ambush from the last issue, but they are in dire straits. The creative team does a bang-up job showcasing each Lantern but then takes them down, so you don’t feel cheated that they don’t just ring their way out of this jam. The look on Hal’s face perfectly shows how small he must feel having to leave the others behind and escape; such raw emotion adds to the scene. 


Green Lantern #12

DC Comics

If you’re a Carol Ferris/Star Sapphire fan, this issue will add to your joy. Carol hits the scene hard and ferocious! I was anticipating her Violet ring turning Red with how she attacked Hal’s enemies. I liked that Jeremy Adams had Carol worry about how she would handle the situation, yet it seemed like a complete 180 from how she entered the scene. Still, it could be chalked up to raw emotion, giving her the confidence before the clarity. This series plays very nicely with DC’s other events, so this issue will explain how and sets up why Hal Jordan is involved with the upcoming Absolute Power event. I want more of the Emotional Spectrum and United Planets situations to continue. Still, Adams did find a way to make this Absolute Power event setup seem worthwhile and connected to his story. 

Green Lantern #12

DC Comics

Shifting to the backup story by Jeremy Adams and Kevin Maguire, we are treated to Guy Gardner suffering in a Lobo-filled hell. Maguire’s facial expressions make this story fun, as the ridiculous situation justifies Guy’s emotions. Adams and Maguire’s work makes it seem like they pair excellently together, and I would love to see more of this offbeat situation. I love that they name-drop W.A.M. and Warrior. That could be a great sequel to add more to the mix. I hope that DC feels that way with the creative pairing and that we can get more character-driven adventures.

The action and emotions continue as we are on the fallout side of things. The United Planets have tipped their hand and will enlist corrupt help from Earth while Carol, driven by the power of love, flies to the rescue. Guy’s hunt for Lobo is over and it looks like he will be returning to the main story, but things will have to pause for the Absolute Power event. I love the mysteries this creative team is cooking up, yet they play so well with the rest of the DCU that I’m glad they aren’t sitting out at events.

Green Lantern #12
‘Green Lantern’ #12 review: What’s love got to do with it? 
Green Lantern #12
The action and emotions continue as we are on the fallout side of things. The United Planets have tipped their hand and will enlist corrupt help from Earth while Carol, driven by the power of love, flies to the rescue. Guy’s hunt for Lobo is over and it looks like he will be returning to the main story, but things will have to pause for the Absolute Power event. I love the mysteries this creative team is cooking up, yet they play so well with the rest of the DCU that I’m glad they aren’t sitting out at events.
Reader Rating1 Votes
The characters have wonderful moments, we see awesome feats by Carol and Kyle, sneakiness from Lord Thaaros, and angst from Hal
It has been awhile but Carol did step it up in this issue and it was great to see her back to ring slinging
Lord Thaaros is shaping up to be quite the villain and when you see who he is in league with and how he treats them, you'll gain some interest in his character
The length of time for this arc is very asking for the fan who gets issues when they come out, yet the creative team does mix in these extra event issues nicely to make it matter, but that wait time increases
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