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Daredevil #10
Marvel Comics

Comic Books

‘Daredevil’ #10 review: Beating the Hell out of Matt

Prepare for a face-pounding Daredevil vs Kingpin showdown, where the stakes are higher than ever.

Creative team Saladin Ahmed, Juann Cabal and Jesus Aburtov continue to redefine boundaries for Matt Murdock. They bring Matt face-to-face with the formidable Kingpin, adding another layer of complexity to the series. If you’ve been following this series, you’ll know there’s more to Kingpin and the characters Matt has encountered. The Cardinal Sins possess them, making them a deadly threat. They attack Matt through those close to him, raising the question of which Sin has taken the Kingpin. How will Matt’s new life clash with his past?

Daredevil #10

Marvel Comics

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Things between the Kingpin and Daredevil have been building for a while, but before Matt can get into that problem, he has to deal with the last issue’s cliffhanger of one of his charges, learning a hell of a secret. We deal with Matt facing one of the youths in the home discovering his Daredevil identity. Saladin Ahmed plays this part nicely, having the typical adult-child banter, but the call out after the lie is perfect and lends nicely to the religious tone of the youth home. It’s hilarious to point out that Matt hasn’t lived with kids and that they can do so much snooping. 

But Ahmed doesn’t stop there. We delve into the character drama, discovering that this kid has grappled with the darker consequences of Daredevil’s actions; I can’t wait to see how that connection between Matt and the kid unfolds. The repercussions don’t end there, as Matt receives a call from Nelson and North. I’m relieved that the friendship drama persists, as it’s a real issue Matt imposes on the people he cares about. The character drama in this series is exceptional and helps maintain interest despite the potential for some elements to drag on. 

Daredevil #10

Marvel Comics

The last portion of the comic book has the two Daredevils storm Kingpin’s hideout. It’s nice that they even point out how low the place is, and it doesn’t seem to fit Kingpin’s style. Considering the Sin that has taken hold of Kingpin, I question the connection those elements bring. Still, luckily, the action takes over, and this is where Juann Cabal and Jesus Aburtov take command. After the four-page discussion, the gloves are off, and the damage begins. The brutal beatdown that Matt takes from Kingpin reminded me of the back-breaking fight that Batman and Bane had, just pages and panels of punishment that make you wonder how they will get up after all that. 

Daredevil #10

Marvel Comics

The issue ends with a fantastic last page that will have you marking your calendar for the next issue, but it did leave me feeling a little wanting after reading. I’m very excited by Saladin Ahmed’s concept, but the application feels like we’ve had quite a few “half” issues with the pacing. We’re nine months in, and the portions with the Kingpin have had significant coverage. I hope the conclusion will make this a worthwhile odyssey that Matt is on. It is a worthwhile series to read, but the trade waiters will be the real winners when this arc finishes since they have saved time.

Prepare for a vicious throwdown between the Kingpin and Daredevil as a deadly Sin gets involved. We’ve witnessed how this Sin has taken hold of the Kingpin; now, get ready to witness its wrath. This creative team knows how to beat the Hell out of Daredevil!

Daredevil #10
‘Daredevil’ #10 review: Beating the Hell out of Matt
Daredevil #10
Prepare for a vicious throwdown between the Kingpin and Daredevil as a deadly Sin gets involved. We’ve witnessed how this Sin has taken hold of the Kingpin; now, get ready to witness its wrath. This creative team knows how to beat the Hell out of Daredevil!
Reader Rating0 Votes
Saladin Ahmed brings the character drama perfectly as Matt's past and present collide in a horrible, entertaining way
Juann Cabal and Jesus Aburtov take the scripted fight to another level and honesty the cliffhanger page has me worried about Matt in the next issue
While the character drama is interesting, this issue is another beatdown showcasing how much physical damage Matt can take
Pacing could use an uptick so we can get more than physical punishment of Daredevil
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