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'Hellverine' #2 is a great melding of horror and superhero comics

Comic Books

‘Hellverine’ #2 is a great melding of horror and superhero comics

‘Hellverine’ #2 sets Wolverine’s sights on saving Hellverine.

Probably the most metal comic on the stands today, Hellverine returns with issue #2. The first issue revealed that Hellverine isn’t Wolverine but someone very close to him. He’s a new seeker of justice with extreme violence, but with a crew of hellfire Hellraiser types aka Destroyers running about, can just one Hellverine fight them off? That’s a question you’ll ponder as Wolverine is on the case.

Hellverine #2 opens with a flashback to when Akihiro, aka Daken, was murdered in Wolverine #41. It’s a nice way of catching us up on who Hellverine is and the complicated nature of their existence. They’re not quite alive or themselves, but they’re also powered with incredible hellfire abilities. Call them a hellish, chaotic question mark, which only adds to the fun of the book. Their nature is explored in depth, and if you have any care for this character you’ll enjoy every second of it.

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From there, writer Benjamin Percy slows things down as Wolverine gets intel on Hellverine. He’s after this lookalike due to his relationship with him (avoiding spoilers), and the secret organization that made the Destroyers need him. They want them put down or brought back, and Wolverine wants Hellverine. Simple. It’s pointed out this operation isn’t that far off from Weapon X, albeit the baddies were already dead when they were tampered with.

Hellverine #2

Damn, Hellverine just rocketed through that bus!
Credit: Marvel

This issue establishes a few key elements, like a soldier who knew the Destroyers before they were created into monsters, as well as whether or not these monsters have any memory or soul. The main conflict of this issue involves Wolverine stopping one of the Destroyers from hurting its family, and there are some surprising attacks it employs. These things are truly bruisers of another sort, and by the end of the issue, you’ll wonder if Wolverine or Hellverine can even put a dent in them.

Julius Ohta knocks it out of the park with this issue once again with great fire effects and colors by Frank D’Armata. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ohta is drawing an event book at Marvel in the coming years, as his details are sharp, and there’s great dynamic range. Dutch angles amp up certain panels, and you’ll feel it when chains are used to rip an animal apart or when spikes slice through Wolverine.

The awesomeness of Ghost Rider and Wolverine combine in a dark and horror-friendly Hellverine #2. Hellverine melds superheroes and horror perfectly with grisly sights and delightful monstrous creations.

'Hellverine' #2 is a great melding of horror and superhero comics
‘Hellverine’ #2 is a great melding of horror and superhero comics
Hellverine #2
The awesomeness of Ghost Rider and Wolverine combine in a dark and horror-friendly Hellverine #2. Hellverine melds superheroes and horror perfectly with grisly sights and delightful monstrous creations.
Reader Rating0 Votes
The fire effects and gore don't hold back
Establishes the Destroyers as impossibly hard to defeat
Aside from one Destroyer getting a scene their whole deal is put on pause
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