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All Things All Elite: March 24, 2021

Pro Wrestling

All Things All Elite: March 24, 2021

Dark and Elevation results, BTE, IMPACT Wrestling and more before tonight’s episode of Dynamite!

Hello, All Elite Wrestling fans! We had the second night of AEW Elevation this week, which still looks promising but needs to step up a bit. Ryan Nemeth and Ethan Page both seem to be featured prominently on the show, so look for them to be on Dynamite more than they have been. We also found out who used Hangman’s phone last October to send Matt Jackson that mean text. Lastly we had a long rambling promo from Kenny on IMPACT getting ready for the title shot between him and Swann. So go ahead, check out all the underlying plots that are starting to bubble to the surface, and enjoy AEW Dynamite tonight!

Being the Elite

  • Matt Jackson is in a suit thinking about Don saying that the Young Bucks are not the same anymore. He tries to laugh it off saying he’s wrong as he sips his Starbucks in his suit and tie. He gets a call from his wife and says she needs to have the lobster and filet mignon ready.
  • The Dark Order gets nervous about asking Maki Itoh to join. Maki tells them to go f*ck themselves — she’s going back to Japan.
  • Karl Anderson says that Gallows has been tired because he’s masturbating too much and says in order to get back on track he needs to stop for a week. Karl says if he does the Good Brothers are breaking up.
  • Ryzin asks Matt and Mike Sydal if they have lost anything recently. They say they have. Ryzin says absolutely. Ryzin, Nyla, and Vickie are able to sell Matt’s jacket back to him for $400. 
  • Hangman asks John Silver what he’s doing to prepare for his big title shot. Cut to a training montage of Silver doing silly versions of Darby’s stunts and promos. 
  • Cut to last week’s promo with Don and the Young Bucks. Matt Jackson walks off and Matt Hardy asks if he’s OK, asks if things have been weird since Hangman sent him that text saying they’re no longer friends. It’s then revealed Matt Hardy was the one who stole Hangman’s phone and sent that text. Hardy admits it to Jackson, saying, “you’re just so gullible’.
  • Cut to Matt Jackson thinking about Hangman’s issues the entire past year and how he’s slowly been falling into depression. He then walks over to The Dark Order’s bar and sees them all having fun, Hangman included. Matt thinks about it for a second then just walks off, realizing Hangman is happy with his new friends.

AEW Dark: Elevation

  • Tay Conti def. Ray Lyn. -1 accompanied Tay to the ring. Tay got the win with a running knee followed with a Hammerlock DDT, aka a DD-Tay.
  • Lee Johnson def. Adam Priest. Dustin accompanied Lee to the ring. Lee continues to tear things up. He is absolutely amazing, and I can’t wait until he’s a regular on Dynamite. He got the pin with the “Braindog”, a type of small package to the knee.
  • Ryan Nemeth cuts a promo about how Orange is cool but he’s not a hunk.
  • Varsity Blonds def. Fuego Del Sol & Jake St. Patrick. Varsity kept Jake from tagging out for a while. Eventually Fuego gets in and hits a tornado DDT, but Griff gets a discus lariat turned into a punch for the win.
  • Max Caster def. Ryzin. Caster got the win with a brainbuster and then an elbow drop.
  • Red Velvet got a short profile. She was a dancer and has been a fan of wrestling since she was 9. 
  • Big Swole & Red Velvet def. Leva Bates & Madi Wrenkowski. Leva and Madi were clearly not getting along. Madi ended up hitting Leva with one of Leva’s books. Leva storms out but stops to cheer on Red Velvet before walking through the tunnel. Nyla, Jade, and Vickie come out afterwards to stare the winning team down before walking off.
  • Ethan Page talks about him going up against Dark Order’s Five. He says he’s going take Five out, which will be a favor for Dark Order since they don’t seem to like him anyway.
  • Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks def. Jorel Nelson & Royce Isaacs. Taz’s son, Hook, came out to the ring with the others of Team Taz. Team Taz was very cocky the entire time and for good reason. Hook tripped up Royce allowing Ricky to get the pin.
  • Danny Limelight def. Baron Black. Both men were able to get a solid amount of offense in but Limelight got the win when Baron tapped out.
  • Orange Cassidy def. Ryan Nemeth. Orange had control of the match until he went for an Orange Punch and Ethan countered. Ethan focused mostly on submissions but Orange finally got the win.
  • Ethan Page def. Dark Order’s Five. The Dark Order came out with Five for his intro. Ethan had control most of the match and won with an Ego’s Edge. Ethan cut a promo after saying that everyone just got a lesson on how to be an amazing wrestler. Everyone in the audience should get used to his beautiful face.
  • Ryo Mizunami def. Leyla Hirsch. Ryo came out with every amazingly big hits. Leyla tried to use submissions. Ryo won by rolling out of a pin and into a chokehold, rolling Leyla around the ring until she tapped.

AEW Dark

  • Alex Reynolds & John Silver def. Chaos Project
  • SCU were interviewed, saying that they didn’t care about PAC and Fenix. They said they kept getting wins and they will continue to do so until they get a shot at the title. Because of their self-imposed rule of breaking up if they lose, they will fight as hard as possible.
  • SCU def. Jorel Nelson & Royce Isaacs
  • Penelope Ford def. Miranda Alize
  • Gunn Club def. Adam Priest, Jake St. Patrick, & Baron Black
  • Dante Martin def. Jack Evans. Angelico attacked Dante after the match and Darius ran in to help Dante
  • Brian Cage def. Brandon Cutler for the FTW title.
  • Ashley Vox def. Alex Gracia
  • Sonny Kiss & Joey Janela def. Vary Morales & Seth Gargis
  • JD Drake def. Fuego Del Sol
  • QT Marshall def. Shawn Dean
  • The Bunny def. Jazmin Allure
  • Colt Cabana, Evil Uno, & Stu Grayson def. Carlie Bravo, Brick Aldridge, & Dean Alexander
  • Nick Comoroto & Aaron Solow def. Angel Fashion & D3
  • Cezar Bononi def. John Skyler

Twitter Happenings and Misc

  • Don and Kenny came out to give a long rambling promo on IMPACT. The major points were Kenny is going to take the IMPACT title. Don and Kenny says Kenny is bigger than anyone — Moxley, Rick Swan, even Ibushi. He declared IMPACT as his home and that all of Rick Swann’s fears will come true when Kenny takes his title.
  • John Silver takes issues with a brand on Twitter.
  • Ryan Nemeth gets upset with people memeing him on Twitter.
  • The Young Bucks’ Twitter account draws a parallel between BTE episodes.
  • The Bunny terrifies Brandon Cutler.
  • Big Swole calls for AEW to officially sign Red Velvet already.

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