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REGINALD THE VAMPIRE -- "We Can Be Heroes (Just For One Day)" Episode 208 -- Pictured: Jacob Batalon as Reginald Andres
Photo: James Dittiger/Syfy


‘Reginald the Vampire’ season 2 episode 8 review: Love helps keep you going

The gang find themselves trapped in the Slushy Shack on tonight’s Reginald the Vampire.

Last week’s Reginald the Vampire ended with Reginald, Nikki, and Maurice magically transported to the Slushy Shack. In “We Can Be Heroes (Just for One Day),” we pick right up from where we last left off.

In effect, we receive a bottle episode continuing the previous calm before the storm motif. It is very contemplative filled with flashbacks providing additional insight on the characters and their relationships. However, the most recent portion of the season has felt meandering and long. Reginald the Vampire could have benefitted from combining scenes here with past episodes for more efficient storytelling and make it feel less drawn out. There is only so much you can take of people worrying about the end before it becomes tedious.

Having said that, it’s not all doom and gloom. The mood is a more hopeful one thanks to the overarching theme of love. We witness the first meeting between Reginald and Sarah. It’s so cute and sweet that you can feel the playful energy Jacob Batalon and Em Haine convey. There might not necessarily be romantic sparks in this encounter, but it does serve as a prelude to their closeness. Even the normally acerbic gets in on the love showcasing despite the tumultuous bond with Maurice, there is genuine affection between them. 

REGINALD THE VAMPIRE -- "We Can Be Heroes (Just For One Day)" Episode 208 -- Pictured: Christin Park as Nikki
Photo: James Dittiger/Syfy

Then, you can’t mention love without bringing up Reginald the Vampire it couple, Nikki and Ashley. They have a love that can overcome any obstacle in their way, even the magic powers of a powerful angel. There are some fun camera work between the two as they try to be reunited. Moreover, a Roaring Twenties themed interlude clearly expresses how much Ashley means to Nikki. The costuming is great complete with a black and white filter, and it’s amusing how the Slushy Shack is converted into a period appropriate stage. It might be overindulgent, but it’s still impressive that the show can do it, and pull it off.

In addition to Nikki’s serenade, there is much more humor to keep things lighthearted. Reginald’s first real introduction to Maurice has funny moments. But the time jumps really feature Aren Bucholz’s talent as Todd. The flashbacks are a reminder of how much of a douche he was with a finance bro mentality. The present scenes mark how much progress and growth the character has achieved. He’s very dedicated and loyal to his friends despite the heartbreak he recently experienced. It’s all very adorable.

Although “We Can Be Heroes (Just for One Day)” feels drawn out, it still provides good character development through the theme of love.

New episodes of Reginald the Vampire air Wednesdays on Syfy

REGINALD THE VAMPIRE -- "We Can Be Heroes (Just For One Day)" Episode 208 -- Pictured: Jacob Batalon as Reginald Andres
Reginald the Vampire S 2 E 8 review: 'We Can Be Heroes (Just for One Day)'
Although “We Can Be Heroes (Just for One Day)” feels drawn out, it still provides good character development through the theme of love.
Reader Rating0 Votes
The first meeting between Reginald and Sarah is so cute and sweet that you can feel the playful energy Jacob Batalon and Em Haine convey.
The costuming, coloring, and overall vibe in the musical interlude is a fun way for Nikki to express her feelings.
Some scenes could have benefitted from being combined with past episodes for more efficient storytelling and make it feel less drawn out.

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