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Is It Good? Godzilla: Rulers of the Earth #10 Review

Comic Books

Is It Good? Godzilla: Rulers of the Earth #10 Review

In last month’s issue, Godzilla kicked a lot of ass and we got a lot of badly needed (and superbly executed) exposition. Will issue #10 gives us more of the same (particularly in the ass kicking department). Will the plot finally start making sense to those of us who are not completely knowledgeable about kaiju lore? Is it good?

Godzilla: Rulers of the Earth #10 (IDW Publishing)


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Sanda and Gaira finally reunite off the coast of Australia. Unfortunately, Giara goes all ‘Cain and Abel’ on his brother, starting a massive fight which (understandably) attracts the attention of the military.


Sure enough, the cannons start firing, which brings the brothers together just in time as Godzilla pops up to join in on the fun.

Meanwhile, Lucy and Woods flirt a little and make references to continuity that folks who have only read this series (like myself) will be completely unfamiliar.

No better way to a girl’s heart like saying she reminds you of another one that you had feelings for.

We also learn that the military wants to transport all the monsters to a chain of islands…which they will call the Monster Islands.

This seems to be a pretty noble and heroic gesture, but it starts to border on lunacy when they begin fretting over how to save Sanda and Gaira while their battle in Brisbane is costing countless human lives.

When the heavily armed Mercy Team arrives, they join in with the two brothers, who seem to be handing Godzilla his own ass pretty well by themselves. The end result is Big G getting defeated in a pretty unique fashion while two boys are sedated (off panel, of course), and carried away to their new island home.

Meanwhile, a green alien pops up on some random old couple’s boat near San Diego, warning that one of the alien races from a few issues ago is going to do some really bad stuff (which I thought had already been established, but whatever).

Is It Good?

So yeah… I have absolutely no idea what’s going on… again.

Why did Godzilla join the fight with the two brothers? Why is relocating the monsters so important that Woods’ unit was actually worried about them being killed before they could do it? Why are statements about kaiju popping up all over the world and an alien race being behind it all getting treated as new revelations?

All these dangling plot threads should make for a very poor issue, but fortunately, the stuff we all came for (awesome monster fights) is delivered in spades.

I mean, seriously, I thought that Zornow might have stolen some of Matt Frank’s thunder in the last issue, but Frank’s work in this one is out of this world.

Even the whale is crapping itself over how cool that looks.

And despite the nonsensical nature/motivations of the issue’s big fight, it is so beautifully drawn and choreographed that my lingering questions about what the heck was going on were stunned into blissful (if still temporary) silence.

I’m happy for the longtime fans of IDW’s Godzilla series; they have a book that is steeped in lore and mythology that they love and know very well. For the rest of us, however, the ability to enjoy this book has come down to whether or not the fight scenes make it worth reading through a plot that will often times leave you scratching your head.

In this issue’s case, the answer is yes.

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