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NYCC 2017: Cosplayer and model Erica Fett talks bad horror movies, cosplay and her love of all things Star Wars


NYCC 2017: Cosplayer and model Erica Fett talks bad horror movies, cosplay and her love of all things Star Wars

Our NYCC 2017 interview with cosplayer extraordinaire Erica Fett.

They say in life there nothing is certain but death and taxes. With Comic-Con I think it’s safe to say nothing is certain but cosplay and comics. With over 150,000 people in attendance at New York Comic Con this year, there were cosplayers as far as the eye can see. But there was one cosplayer in particular that I knew I wanted to interview before the weekend was over: Erica Fett!

Erica has been on my radar for some time now. Not only is she a stunningly beautiful model, but she’s also a comic book fan, gamer, cosplayer and huge Star Wars fan. The cosplay gods smiled on me as I was able to catch up with Erica and talk cosplay, horror movies that are so bad that it makes them so good… and of course Star Wars.

NYCC 2017: Cosplayer and model Erica Fett talks bad horror movies, cosplay and her love of all things Star Wars

AiPT!: Tell us about where you’re from and how you like to spend your time when you aren’t doing photo shoots, creating cosplays or attending conventions.

Erica: A lot of my spare time, when I have it, is spent with my dogs and traveling. I have a lot of e-mail correspondence and since I’m a one person team it takes up a lot of my time. But most of the time I work out, I’m not crazy about it but it’s just one of those things I do because I feel like I have to. [laughs] I much prefer eating pizza and Netflix binging. I watch a lot of anime but there’s still so much I have to catch up on. I’m only on season two of Inuyasha, but I did finish Castlevania, which was amazing.

AiPT!: The mini-series!? It was so good but I was disappointed by how short it was.

Erica: Four episodes! They end it at the best point and ugh it’s so good! I think they’re coming out with another season but I hope it’s more than four episodes this time. It’s beautiful, reminds me of Vampire Hunter D. Beautifully illustrated, Vampire Hunter D is my favorite.

NYCC 2017: Cosplayer and model Erica Fett talks bad horror movies, cosplay and her love of all things Star Wars

AiPT!: Do you have any rituals you follow when you arrive in a new city for a convention? Whether it be shopping, a good restaurant or sightseeing?

Erica: Usually the first thing I do is always look at food, I definitely like to try a ton of different foods. Secondly I would say shopping is probably pretty big, I like to find out what stores are around us. But most of the time we don’t really have a lot of time for that stuff, so it’s convention, food, pass out [laughs].

AiPT!: I know that you enjoy Netflix and bad horror movies. It’s also one of my favorite past times. What’ve you been enjoying from the depths of Netflix horror section lately? My latest was Beyond the Gates.

Erica: Yes! We just watched Gerald’s Game and Little Evil. Gerald’s Game is a Stephen King movie and it just came out on Netflix, it’s actually not that bad.

AiPT!: I love me some awful Stephen King movies and I don’t know that one. Cat’s Eye and Sleepwalkers is my jam.

Erica: Oh god Tommyknockers! [laughs] They’re so bad, but they’re so good.

NYCC 2017: Cosplayer and model Erica Fett talks bad horror movies, cosplay and her love of all things Star Wars

AiPT!: In one of your YouTube videos from February of last year, you said you have around 41 tattoos, three coverups and several tattoos that’ve been reworked. I love tattoos as well. I’m curious, what’s your latest project?

Erica: The newest thing that I’m doing is filling in my right arm, my sleeve. The next thing after that is working on my right thigh. I have a Dracula piece that’s half done so I really want to get that finished.

AiPT!: Old school Dracula?

Erica: Keanu Reeves and Gary Oldman Dracula.

AiPT!: Out of all the characters you’ve cosplayed as, which one do you align with the most from a personality standpoint?

Erica: Oh gosh. I’m trying to think of all the things I’ve done. I like Sailor Mars but she’s a little bit sassy and I’m not sassy. Here’s the problem, I always pick characters that are sassy and mean.

AiPT!: Is that something you wish you could be?

Erica: I wish I could be sassy! I always pick sassier and stronger characters because I’ve always been soft spoken. It makes me feel like I’m actual make-beliving. So cosplay for me is making-beliving and getting into a different persona. But yeah I love Sailor Mars, I’m just not as sassy [laughs].

NYCC 2017: Cosplayer and model Erica Fett talks bad horror movies, cosplay and her love of all things Star Wars

AiPT!: You’ve traveled across the country and the world through modeling, conventions, cosplay and met countless people. What’s the strangest or most surreal situation you’ve found yourself in through your work?

Erica: Umm I still get weird when people recognize me. I feel like a normal person that just dresses up. When people recognize or tell me they like my work I still react with “Oh my god!”. So for me getting recognized is definitely very surreal and makes me feel so blessed that people appreciate what I do.

AiPT!: What would you say was your biggest fan-girl moment?

Erica: I did meet Michael Rooker actually! I was dressed as Poison Ivy and I approached him with “Hey I’m doing a video blog, is there anyway I could get a picture with you?” and he immediately says yes, grabs my phone, grabs me and I’m saying to myself “This is so crazy!” He was just so cool.

AiPT!: He’s got a very unique personality [laughs].

Erica: Yeah! I love it though because there’s nothing worse then when you meet someone and they’re mean. They’re not lively and you’re like “awww man”. You have these expectations for these people and I get it, it’s exhausting to be around people all the time. But yeah meeting him was amazing, he was so far beyond my expectations.

NYCC 2017: Cosplayer and model Erica Fett talks bad horror movies, cosplay and her love of all things Star Wars

AiPT!: Anyone that hears your name knows that you’re a big Star Wars fan. I know it’s very important to you. There’s a little over two months until The Last Jedi is upon us. Are you theory crafting with your family and friends? Or are you trying to avoid all of that and go into it blind?

Erica: So I’ve heard a lot about these conspiracy theories that Rey and Luke are related somehow and that Rey and Kylo are brother and sister. There’s a theory that I came across saying Han wanted Kylo to kill him as it was the only way to push Kylo to the point where he could be redeemed. So many theories out there [laughs].

After seeing Rogue One I thought it was ok. But I’m going into The Last Jedi thinking this is going to be pretty awesome. Fingers crossed. I feel like it’s going to be good, but I’m waiting to see where they’re taking the story. I just want a good story, it’s all I want.

AiPT!: My friends and I have talked about it a lot. I want that goosebumps feeling.

Erica: Exactly! Being able to feel that and say “OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME!”. A lot of people feel that with Star Wars. It brought so many people that feeling. So I’m hoping they deliver [laughs].

AiPT!: I saw that you have something like 80+ Star Wars LEGO sets. I loooooove the new LEGO Snowspeeder, it’s the pride and joy of my collection. I was curious what your favorite is?

Erica: I don’t even own my favorite! I’ve always wanted the LEGO Death Star, but the problem is it’s like $500. Why?! Why do you have to be so expensive LEGO?! But my personal favorite that I own right now is probably my Hoth collection. I basically have an entire Hoth scene; the Wampa, the speeders, tauntaun, everything. I kind of want to do a Christmas thing where I set it out on my mantle and it’s all Hoth. That’s my Christmas village! That’s Hoth!

NYCC 2017: Cosplayer and model Erica Fett talks bad horror movies, cosplay and her love of all things Star Wars

AiPT!: I’m honest enough with myself to recognize that I’m a total weirdo. It turns out there nearly everyone is! What’s one quirk or habit you have that falls into the weird category that people may not know about?

Erica: I do things in threes. I’m not necessarily OCD, but if I’m making coffee in the morning I’ll do three scoops of sugar. Or if I’m doing shampoo it’s three scoops. Anything it’s always in threes. I dance a lot, I can’t dance though, I have no rhythm.

AiPT!: What’re you most looking forward to this weekend? A panel? A signing? Lightsaber training class?

Erica: So actually this is my last day here so I don’t have a lot of time to be in the convention because I have shoots, interviews and signings. But tomorrow I don’t have tickets to the convention so we’ll walk around the city, do all the cool New York stuff that we don’t get to do in Columbus, Ohio. And get some food! I want some ramen really bad [laughs].

NYCC 2017: Cosplayer and model Erica Fett talks bad horror movies, cosplay and her love of all things Star Wars

The lovely Erica Fett and I

Here’s where you can find Erica Fett online:

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