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Blue Beetle: Graduation Day
DC Comics

Comic Books

‘Blue Beetle: Graduation Day’ #6 takes some surprising risks in its conclusion

It’s time for Jaime Reyes to get back to his roots.

Graduation’s over, and it’s time for Jaime Reyes to really embrace the reality of being an adult. Yet, more than anything, with the last issue of Blue Beetle: Graduation Day, there’s one thing that the comic wants to make sure every reader knows: A Blue Beetle movie is coming out. Josh Trujillo, Adrian Gutierrez, and Wil Quintana have brought the Blue Beetle: Graduation Day story to an end. Unfortunately, everything this story’s been leading to isn’t exactly what you might hope for.

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The Horizon have arrived, and they’re coming in fast! As the Beetles realize that the Horizon ship is about to crash, the Justice League put their faith in the Blue Beetle. With their support, he manages to slow the ship to a halt. In the process, he pushes Khaji-Da to its limits and loses those sweet new upgrades he earned in Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #5.

Yet, as Jaime falls back to Earth in his regular suit, the Justice League comes to save the day. They catch him before he hits the dirt, and Jaime meets with the Horizon. The Horizon, unsurprisingly, isn’t exactly happy to see an agent of the Reach.

Jaime Reyes in his new suit

DC Comics

The other Beetles come to Jaime’s defense, and the Horizon eventually accepts him. In turn, Jaime returns the favor. He offers them the chance to settle in Palmera City — much to the shock of the Justice League. When they point out that Jaime can’t exactly settle them alone, Victoria Kord jumps in to ensure that he will have the financial backing he needs.

Batman questions his decision, but he quickly overcomes his wariness and comes to trust Jaime completely. Of course, not everyone finds a resolution by the end. Starfire is still upset with Cyborg, who genuinely tries an earnest apology.

Jaime celebrates his success with his new friends. And, all the while, Fadeaway reunites with a still-living Gimmix as a shadowy monster gets ready to take him on.

After everything, the biggest surprise of Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #6 comes in the final panel with the announcement that this run isn’t yet over. In fact, it’s only just begun. Beginning in September, Blue Beetle: Scarab War #1 will continue the story of the Horizon’s arrival!

It’s a good thing that Blue Beetle: Graduation Day will have more space because it desperately needs it. The arrival of the Horizon is painfully lackluster, and their encounters with Jaime feel particularly empty. While there is a slight conflict, they hardly feel like anything more than nameless aliens with no personality. That would be because that’s exactly what they are.

Blue Beetle getting messages from the Horizon

DC Comics

They aren’t the only ones with confusing characterization. As odd as it is to say, the Justice League as a whole feels uncomfortably friendly. Batman, particularly, is happy to support and praise Jaime, even if he doubts the plan. The entire League takes pains to continuously reinforce Jaime’s confidence, which is fitting for a solo comic but hardly feels very Justice League. Superman, at least, feels like himself.

There are some positives, of course. For one, Jaime loses his new suit after only just receiving it in Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #5. The suit itself was overly busy and lacked the pristine silhouette that has made the third Blue Beetle’s design so iconic. Reverting to the original look is a good decision, but it does feel like a waste of space to have included it at all. That’s disappointing, considering they desperately needed the space to flesh out the Horizon and the other Beetles.

The art, however, remains a highlight. The colors continue to pop out of the page, making even the most curious parts of the story feel whimsical. Every hit feels powerful, and every background is an explosion of energy. It’s an incredible look that really helps the book remain consistent throughout its run.

With a strong focus on Victoria Kord and Jaime’s connection to the Reach, Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #6 is a good way to get prepared for the upcoming movie. Unfortunately, outside of the movie, it still needs to work to create an identity of its own. What could have been a great finale just feels like a middling conclusion with a feel-good ending that it hasn’t really earned. The cliche message of self-confidence and trust in friends certainly doesn’t help.

With Blue Beetle: Scarab War on the way, hopefully, the book will work on fleshing out its supporting cast a little more along the way. There is still a lot more for Jaime to do, but at least he’s finally ready to face the world as a proud superhero and a high school graduate.

Blue Beetle: Graduation Day
‘Blue Beetle: Graduation Day’ #6 takes some surprising risks in its conclusion
Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #6
What could have been a great finale just feels like a middling conclusion with a feel-good ending that it hasn't really earned. The cliche message of self-confidence and trust in friends certainly doesn't help. It really would have benefitted from fleshing out its supporting cast a little more along the way. There is still a lot more for Jaime to do, but at least he's finally ready to face the world as a proud superhero and a high school graduate.
Reader Rating1 Votes
The coloring continues to serve as a literal highlight.
Jaime is already back to his classic suit.
The Justice League does not feel like themselves at all.
A cliché message and a predictable ending are all this issue really offers.
Jaime's supporting cast desperately needs page time for development.
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